[Abstract]:The Ming Dynasty sent envoys to Ryukyu, sealed ships from the Minhai Sea, from the continental shelf into the deep sea edge of the East China Sea, that is, the ancient cloud "from the vicissitudes into the black water." In the five batches of canoners, the canonization mission continued to improve the ship's hull structure to adapt to the characteristics of ocean navigation, to recruit experienced sailors, especially helmsmen, to follow the exploration footprints of the predecessors and to absorb the valuable experience of the predecessors, Ultimately, we have to withstand the worst tests and psychological shocks in the storm. The fascinating part of the study of the history of the marine environment seems to be to verify the final fate of shippers battling ocean storms with the fate of captive ships carrying hundreds of people, overturning the sea, or lucky results of near-death escape. One can experience the wisdom and courage of people in the sailing age, and the many documents on Ryukyu, which have been created by this process, have become more and more exciting.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学西北历史环境与经济社会发展研究院;
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