[Abstract]:The scholars of the Qing Dynasty attach great importance to the Records of History, the Book of Han, the Book of the later Han Dynasty and the Records of the three Kingdoms, and these four books are called "the first four History". Zhao Yi and Wang Mingsheng's comments on "the first four History" are of great benefit to people's understanding of the "first four History". Zhao Yi's criticism of "the first four History" is characterized by the importance of the original reason of historical events and the evaluation of historical events. Wang Mingsheng, on the other hand, focuses on the compilation of historical books and their gains and losses. On the criticism of "the first four History", the two people show certain difference. Zhao Yi lift heavy light, so brief and more explanation. In contrast, Wang Mingsheng is both heavy and heavy, so cumbersome and more training. Wang Mingsheng and Zhao Yi are good at using comparative methods to comment on the first four histories, which is what they share in common.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学历史学院史学研究所;
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