[Abstract]:Lion, as an alien species, was introduced into the Central Plains during the period of Emperor Zhang and Emperor Han Dynasty in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Until the Kangxi period of Qing Dynasty, the activities of the lions contributing to the Central Plains dynasty in the Western region continued to exist. The Central Plains Dynasty basically regarded the lion as a Swiss beast, and regarded the activities of the tribute lion as a sign of the legitimacy given by heaven to the dynasty. However, as a result of the economic losses of the Central Plains Dynasty's activities in tribute lions, some countries did not comply with the tribute system, and whether the mentality of scholar-bureaucrats "not precious foreign objects" or "unprecious objects" and "protection against the summer" was harmonious national relations. The Central Plains Dynasty sometimes took tribute measures to the activities of the lion. Qiegong measures protected the economic interests and authority of the Central Plains Dynasty, but also hindered the exchanges between the Central Plains and the Western regions to a certain extent.
【作者单位】: 西北农林科技大学人文社会发展学院;
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