[Abstract]:Whether you admit it or not, an era of extreme personality and self-exposure has quietly arrived, and you have been hopelessly involved in it, starting from the "show-off farce" of the vertical and horizontal networks. In this era of personality, everyone refuses to be ordinary, everyone tries to make themselves different, and everyone is doing their best to fight for the right to speak. Wearing popular famous brands, speaking English, watching American films, making small money, bubble Starbucks, these once very "IN" behavior, has been increasingly abandoned; If you can only hear the boring ringtone of "doodle" on your phone, if you are just playing QQ, online and keeping a certain online name and signature file unchanged for years, if you are still using your name to spell the E-mail address in its entirety, If your dress and makeup are not bright enough, then, I am sorry, you are behind the times!
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10 ;小资读物:谁能把你说清楚[N];中华读书报;2002年
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