本文关键词:不同载气条件及改性对生物炭物化性质及吸附硝氮性能影响研究 出处:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Because of the over application and low utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and the discharge of industrial and domestic wastewater, nitrate has become an important pollutant of eutrophication and non-point source pollution. Some studies have shown that the increase of nitrate concentration poses a potential threat to human health. Excessive nitrate can also cause acute intoxication, disease and insect pests of animals and plants. The traditional methods of removing nitrate in water are mainly divided into biological and physical - chemical methods. Biological method is economical and effective environmental protection, but the process is slow, long processing time; physical and chemical methods including reverse osmosis and electrodialysis, ion exchange, adsorption, the adsorption method has attracted wide attention, and the focus of current research is to find an efficient, economic and environmentally friendly adsorbent. Biochar, also known as biochar, refers to porous carbon rich solids produced by pyrolysis of biomass raw materials (such as straw, feces, peanut shells, etc.) under certain oxygen temperatures (usually below 700 degrees). Biochar is widely used to remove and control pollutants in various fields because of its high carbon content, large specific surface area, high surface negative charge, high charge density and strong stability. However, the properties of biochar are mainly determined by the source and preparation conditions of raw materials, such as temperature and carrier gas conditions. The carrier gas conditions are mainly inert gases such as nitrogen and helium. The study of CO2 as carrier gas for preparing biochar is less. At the same time, the application of biological carbon to the water environment has the disadvantage of solid and liquid separation, and there is a risk of two pollution. As a kind of energy saving and recyclable adsorption material, magnetic biological carbon has a certain research significance for the treatment of nitrogenous nitrogen wastewater. Therefore, for a better understanding of CO2 carrier gas conditions change and pyrolysis temperature on the effects of biochar, this paper investigates the N2 and CO2 two kinds of carrier gas and different pyrolysis temperatures of peanut shell biochar preparation, in the physical and chemical nature of differences, and adsorption properties of nitrate in water influence. At the same time, will be prepared with N2 as the biological carbon carrier gas after cleaning by Fe3+/Fe2+ solution mixing modification, biological carbon magnetization, to characterize the magnetic biological carbon composite material (scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, X ray diffraction, elemental analysis, specific surface area), and discusses the adsorption the performance of nitrate magnetic adsorption of biochar in water. The results show that with the increasing of temperature, the biomass carbonization more fully, more than the surface area; the point of zero charge biological carbon carrier gas CO2 under the condition of improvement rate (9 ~ 20%) is about 2 times of the N2 atmosphere (6 ~ 10%); 700 DEG C, CO2 carrier gas under the condition of the biomass was caused by gasification C the loss of O element is introduced, and the obvious C-O bond to form a new biological activated carbon; modification of zero point of charge, biochar significantly increases the surface area; adsorption kinetics and thermodynamics, biological activated carbon on nitrate nitrogen adsorption capacity are weak, internal diffusion, electrostatic adsorption interaction in the adsorption process of nitrate nitrogen the adsorption performance is better than that of CO2 and N2 in biological carbon carrier gas prepared by the carrier gas conditions above 20%; the method of modification of biochar on nitrogen adsorption capacity decreased greatly.
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