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发布时间:2018-01-01 07:14

  本文关键词:资源环境承载力研究进展:基于地理学综合研究的视角 出处:《中国人口·资源与环境》2017年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 资源环境承载力 研究进展 地理学 综合视角 优先主题

[Abstract]:As a link between social system, environmental system and economic system, the carrying capacity of resources and environment is the connection between population, resources and environment. Resources and environment carrying capacity is an important direction of geography comprehensive research. Comprehensive and regional. Man-land relationship is an important theoretical framework to support its development. Domestic and foreign resources and environmental carrying capacity research has been developed for nearly 100 years, from the initial single land resources carrying capacity. Water resources carrying capacity and even agricultural resources carrying capacity have developed into resource carrying capacity, environmental carrying capacity and ecological environmental carrying capacity. In the last several ten years, comprehensive research theories and methods such as ecological footprint, virtual water, energy analysis and so on have emerged. At present, the research of the carrying capacity of resources and environment is facing a series of new requirements and challenges. The main performance is: the theoretical basis of carrying capacity of resources and environment. The discipline paradigm and method system still need to be perfected; Some key scientific questions (including scale effect, key threshold, mechanism of change, etc.) need to be solved urgently; Basic research needs to strengthen the link with practical application and so on. On this basis. This paper proposes to re-examine the theoretical framework of the research on the carrying capacity of resources and environment from the perspective of geography and the priority theme of future research. Through the construction of the comprehensive research paradigm of the carrying capacity of resources and environment of geography. It can expand the theoretical depth and breadth of the carrying capacity of resources and environment. It is helpful to improve the application level of carrying capacity of resources and environment in the development of national economy and society. This study suggests that the future research should focus on the following priority topics: 1). The change and driving mechanism of the key elements of the carrying capacity of resources and environment; (2) the theory and method of comprehensive evaluation of the carrying capacity of resources and environment; (3) dynamic monitoring and early warning of carrying capacity of resources and environment; (4) Land function regionalization and control based on carrying capacity of resources and environment; 5) the way to restore and enhance the carrying capacity of resources and environment in key areas.
【作者单位】: 山东师范大学山东省可持续发展研究中心;山东师范大学管理科学与工程学院;
【正文快照】: 人口、资源与环境是当今世界面临的重大问题,随着区域经济社会快速发展,人类整体面临着资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势[1]。资源环境承载力作为连接社会系统、环境系统与经济系统之间的纽带,是协调人口、资源与环境这一相互联系、又彼此相对独立的矛盾统


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