本文关键词:西南矿区地下水重金属污染风险评价研究 出处:《西南石油大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 西南矿区地下水 重金属污染风险评价 指标体系 突变级数法 三角模糊数法
【摘要】:西南地区地域辽阔,行政区域包括云、贵、川、渝、藏五个省级行政区,2015年常住人口 1.99亿,行政面积占国土面积1/4。同时,西南地区矿产资源储藏丰富,目前已发现矿种130余种,部分矿种储量居全国甚至全球前列。20世纪50年代,新中国的采矿技术落后、管理松弛,基础十分薄弱;60年代之后,采矿行业得到了较大的发展;80年代之后,矿业经济高速发展,逐渐在国民经济中占据重要地位。在促进国民经济发展的同时,由于矿产开发带来的地下水污染问题越来越突出,给人民群众的生产生活和健康带来了严重的影响。地下水污染具有隐蔽性、长期性和复杂性的特点,而重金属因其高毒性、持久性、难降解性等特点已越来越受到国内外学者的关注。同时,西南地区地处我国地貌单元一、二级阶梯,地势落差大,也是我国主要水系的补给区及上游河段分布区,其独特的地形、复杂的地质条件决定了该地区生态环境的特性。本文从西南地区水文地质结构特点出发对西南某铅锌矿区及其周边区域地下水重金属污染状况做以下研究:(1)通过阐述重金属污染物在土壤—地下水系统中的行为特征、运移规律,结合重金属污染源的污染特征,研究分析基于过程的地下水重金属污染机理。并从重金属污染特征、固有脆弱性、特殊脆弱性和地下水价值水平四个方面分析造成地下水重金属污染的影响因素,从指标体系构建的原则、方法出发,选取重金属污染物毒性等15个评价指标,形成针对西南矿区实际特点的地下水重金属污染风险评价指标体系,并确定各指标的权重值。(2)介绍三角模糊数法和突变级数法两种地下水重金属污染风险评价方法。三角模糊数法评价过程简单快捷,适用性较强;突变级数法不涉及指标权重,在一定程度上降低了评价结果的主观性。(3)以西南某铅锌矿区为例,应用三角模糊数法和突变级数法对该铅锌矿及周边区域进行了地下水重金属污染风险评价,并将两种评价方法进行了对比分析。评价结果显示该铅锌矿区及其周边区域受重金属污染的风险总体处于较低至中等等级,说明该地区地下水受到了较轻微的重金属污染,同时也验证了评价方法的适用性。
[Abstract]:The southwest region is vast, administrative areas including cloud, Sichuan, Chongqing, expensive, Tibet five provincial-level administrative region, in 2015 the resident population of 199 million, the administrative area of the total land area of 1/4. at the same time, Southwest China is rich in mineral resources reserves, currently more than 130 kinds of minerals have been found, some mineral reserves in the forefront of national and even global.20 50s new century. China mining technology is backward, management is lax, foundation is very weak; after 60s, the mining industry has achieved great development; after 80s, the rapid development in mining industry, gradually in the national economy occupies an important position in promoting the development of national economy. At the same time, because the mineral development has brought the problem of groundwater pollution is more and more prominent, brought serious influence to people's lives and health. Groundwater pollution has a hidden, long-term and complexity, and heavy metals due to its high toxicity, persistence, hard The characteristics of degradation has attracted more and more attention of scholars at home and abroad. At the same time, the southwest region is located in geomorphic units in China, two steps, the large gap, is the main river in China and the upper reaches of the river recharge area distribution area, its unique topography, complex geological conditions determines the characteristics of the ecological environment area. From the hydrogeological structure characteristics of southwest region to do the following research on the southwest of lead-zinc mining area and its surrounding area groundwater heavy metal pollution: (1) through the elaboration of heavy metal pollutants in soil and groundwater system behaviors, migration law, combined with the characteristics of heavy metals pollution sources, based on the research and analysis of groundwater heavy metal pollution mechanism. And from the characteristics of heavy metal pollution, the inherent vulnerability of groundwater special vulnerability and value of four aspects of analysis of influence of heavy metal pollution of groundwater Starting from the construction of index system factors, principles, methods, selection of heavy metal pollutant toxicity index of 15, according to the actual characteristics of the formation of the southwest area of heavy metals in groundwater pollution risk assessment index system, and determine the weights of each index. (2) the triangular fuzzy number method and catastrophe progression method of two kinds of heavy metals in groundwater pollution risk the evaluation method of triangular fuzzy number. The evaluation process is simple and quick, strong applicability; catastrophe progression method does not involve the index weight, to a certain extent, reduce the subjectivity of the evaluation results. (3) to the southwest of a lead-zinc mining area as an example, the application of triangular fuzzy number method and catastrophe progression method for risk assessment of heavy metal pollution in the groundwater lead zinc mine and the surrounding area, and the two evaluation methods are analyzed. The evaluation result showed that the lead-zinc mining area and its surrounding areas affected by heavy metal contamination risk overall From the lower to the middle level, the groundwater in this area has been contaminated with a relatively mild heavy metal, and the applicability of the evaluation method is also verified.
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