本文关键词:我国环境民事公益诉讼制度的完善 出处:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:China's rapid economic growth in recent years, the process of industrialization, the city more and more quickly, high energy consumption, high emission, extensive economic development model of high pollution makes the water, land, atmosphere suffer from serious pollution. In the improvement of people's living standard at the same time, but also to people's living environment has brought great pollution and destruction. Such as "for having heard it many times Qingdao oil pipeline explosion", "Songhua River pollution incident", these incidents brought serious harm to the health of the people and the natural resources. Modern people are not confined to the rich material life, the pursuit of a more healthy and safe living environment. However, when people want to damage the interests of the public environment for adults, the existing system can not meet the corresponding demand. Therefore, the necessity of establishing a sound system of environmental public interest litigation has emerged. The response to the soil environmental pollution, very early The establishment of a new litigation system, allowing no direct interest in environmental infringement cases of citizens or social groups in order to safeguard the public environmental rights and interests to the courts, is the environmental public interest litigation. In our country, people's environmental awareness and rights is increasing year by year, through legal means to safeguard the environmental rights of more and more cases our country introduced the concept of public interest litigation in the last century in 90s, it is written into the public interest litigation in the civil procedure law "revised in 2012" officially, including the subject of environmental law on protecting environmental public interest litigation in the newly revised ".2014 and clear public interest litigation on the basis of the former procuratorate and environmental protection organization. The problem of environmental public interest litigation has been more and more concern and efforts of experts and a person with breadth of vision, through the" environmental protection law "" People's Republic of China Civil Procedure Law > judicial interpretation Revised a series of laws and regulations, the environmental public interest litigation system in our country is gradually perfect, relevant theories increasingly mature, increasingly comprehensive. But the legal basis of environmental public interest litigation in China started late, and by the current situation of China's economic development, civil rights consciousness, the judicial effect of the allocation of resources and other factors, makes the laws and regulations of environmental public interest litigation supporting not complete, implementation is not complete, there are strict conditions for prosecution, convergence mechanism is unknown and many other defects, facing the rationality and feasibility of the system. This paper focuses on the status of many of the problems of China's current environmental civil litigation, especially in 2015 a series of environmental public interest litigation related laws and regulations promulgated after the implementation of in recent years, combined with some typical cases of environmental public interest litigation, the system of environmental civil public interest litigation in China is discussed. After studying the concept and characteristics, from my The inadequacies of the proof, cost and execution of civil public interest litigation in the state environment, and suggestions for improving the civil public interest litigation of the environment have been put forward to make the litigation system more scientific and reasonable.
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