发布时间:2018-01-14 16:20
本文关键词:重化工业调整:保护和修复长江生态环境的治本之策 出处:《南京社会科学》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 能源重化工业 生态保护 结构调整 长江经济带开发
[Abstract]:Promote the development of the Yangtze economic belt. Priority must be given to the protection and restoration of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River. In this process, the dilemma between the development of energy, heavy chemicals and the protection of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River must be properly dealt with. The development of energy heavy chemical industry is a big country such as China. The inescapable choice of the economy. However, it is not necessarily synonymous with the pollution paradise. At present, it is still favored by local governments in the environmental protection work in the Yangtze River basin. In order to protect and repair the Yangtze River economic belt, we must strengthen the drive of supply-side structural reform and control the entry of enterprises with the most severe environmental protection standards. At the same time, accelerate the promotion of high-emission enterprises to withdraw completely, gradually leading the environmentally friendly industry. Among them, the most important issue is how to use the new concept of industrialization, ideas and methods. The energy and chemical industry along the Yangtze River and coastal areas should be restructured including its layout.
【作者单位】: 南京大学长江产业经济研究院;
【正文快照】: 习近平总书记强调,推动长江经济带发展,必方面凸显了中央政府对长江流域环保问题的高度须牢固树立和贯彻新发展理念,把保护和修复长重视,另一方面,也客观地反映了在目前格局下,江生态环境摆在优先位置。2016年9月,国务院长江流域的污染问题已经十分严重,生态自我洁正式印发的
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