本文关键词: 流域 逐级补偿 测算方法 市场化 博弈分析 出处:《浙江理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The shortage of water resources and water pollution in river basins are important environmental problems in China. Chinese scholars have done some research on the ecological compensation of river basins, but there are still some problems in the research process, such as the uncertainty of the main body of compensation. There is little research on the compensation mode which is dominated by market compensation, and the calculation method of compensation standard is focused on static, etc. In view of the above problems, It is very important to establish an effective market-oriented mechanism of watershed ecological compensation. This paper aims to study the overall scheme and key problems of watershed ecological compensation. Firstly, the problems existing in watershed ecological compensation are analyzed. This paper points out the advantages of watershed ecological gradual compensation, and analyzes the feasibility of watershed ecological gradual compensation marketization. Secondly, on the basis of relevant economic theories, the framework of watershed ecological progressive compensation marketization mechanism is constructed. This includes the selection of participants, the determination of supply and demand mechanisms, the formation of price mechanisms, and the construction of trading platforms. The biggest problem of watershed ecological compensation is that the upstream cannot and cannot control the flow of water when the downstream is unwilling or gives little compensation. Basically is a buyer's market, the government needs to calculate the reference price of the watershed ecological grading compensation, so this paper puts forward the dynamic calculation method of watershed ecological grading compensation by integrating and optimizing many traditional calculation methods. Finally, the paper analyzes the operation of the market-oriented mechanism of watershed ecological gradual compensation by game analysis, and explains the different methods of using different watershed and different factors to select different factors, finally, the paper makes a game analysis on the operation of the market-oriented mechanism of watershed ecological gradual compensation. The result of the game is that the upstream and downstream transactions are concluded and the transactions cannot be reached, when the transaction cannot be concluded, Based on the above research, this paper solves the problem that the transaction can not be achieved through the establishment of relevant auxiliary system and the intervention of higher government. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, it is feasible to construct market-oriented mechanism of watershed ecological gradual compensation; second, the calculation method of dynamic watershed ecological compensation standard is determined. The difference of its application in the watershed is mainly manifested in the different selection of indicators and the difference in the use methods of different watersheds, the third is the game analysis and corresponding measures of the market-oriented mechanism of watershed ecological gradual compensation. The result of the game has two kinds of cases: the upstream and downstream transaction and the transaction can not be reached. When the transaction can not be completed, this paper solves the problem of the transaction better by establishing the relevant auxiliary system and the intervention of the higher government.
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