本文选题:环境侵权 切入点:惩罚性赔偿 出处:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Environmental tort is characterized by a different form of traditional tort, including the fact that there are often actual inequalities between the perpetrator and the victim, The tort not only has the nature of private harm, but also the public harm which can not be ignored, and the harmful consequences are often serious and the causes are complicated. These characteristics decide that the relief of environmental tort should be inclined to the protection of the victims and pay attention to the prevention beforehand. To safeguard the dual interests of individuals and the public. The inherent emphasis on the protection of victims in punitive damages has the nature of public, private law liability and its unique preventive function. This shows that the punitive damages mechanism and the environmental tort relief have a natural match. As far as our country is concerned, the single compensatory civil liability is not enough to solve the environmental tort problem. The traditional other forms of civil liability are difficult to be fully realized in the relief of environmental tort. However, there are many limitations in solving the problem of environmental tort by administrative and criminal means, so we want to solve the problem of environmental tort effectively. We should try to create a new system mechanism, and punitive damages can be considered. On the issue of environmental tort relief, our country has the social soil to root the punitive damages mechanism in this field. And it has been applied in some areas of our country, Therefore, if we explore the introduction of punitive damages mechanism in environmental tort cases, there are rules to follow. On the basis of this, this paper also meets the conditions that our country should adopt punitive damages in environmental tort relief. The method of determining the specific amount of compensation and the allocation of funds are discussed.
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