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发布时间:2018-03-28 18:40

  本文选题:政府 切入点:购买 出处:《山西财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, based on the consideration of changing government functions, improving environmental quality and improving the efficiency of using environmental protection funds, the government has begun to use the market mechanism to purchase environmental public services, and has achieved certain results in practice. However, at the same time, it faces the problems of imperfect laws and regulations, lack of system protection, and so on, and the relevant theoretical research is almost blank. This paper uses literature reading method, comparative analysis method, case study method and other research methods. This paper studies the legislation of our government's purchase of environmental public services, through the exploration of the current legislation and combining with the practice, puts forward some suggestions to perfect the laws and regulations, in order to make up for the deficiency of the theoretical research and to solve the practical problems. From the point of view of the current legislative situation, The current law of our country does not directly provide for the purchase of environmental public services by the government from the legal level, but only the provisions of principle and generality from the level of administrative laws and regulations. It is difficult to meet the actual need of government to purchase environmental public service. The regulation of this system mainly consists of department regulations and local legislation, but there are many problems in the specific provisions. First of all, there is a low level of legislation in legislative design. There are some conflicts between some legislations, the design of institutional framework is not specific enough, the microcosmic level is short of maneuverability, the legal provisions lag behind the practical exploration and so on. Secondly, on the concrete content, the scope of purchase is not defined clearly. The purchase procedure is not standardized, the performance evaluation and supervision management system is not designed enough, the purchase pricing guidance is not enough, the environmental service provider participation power is insufficient and so on. Finally, the relevant supporting regulations, the financial budget management lags behind, The legal regulation of PPP model is not enough. Judging from the successful legislative and practical experience of foreign countries, in order to promote the government's purchase of environmental public services steadily, we also need to establish and improve the legal system and provide policy guarantee. Attach importance to the evaluation and supervision system, at the same time introduce the competition mechanism, establish the incentive mechanism, ensure the participation of the social forces. Based on the current legislative situation and existing problems of our government's purchase of environmental public services, combined with the experience of foreign countries, In order to perfect our government's legislation on the purchase of environmental public services, it is necessary to explore the appropriate legislative path and clarify the legislative content. From the legislative path, we need to raise the level of legislation for the purchase of environmental public services by our government. To solve the problems such as the conflict between department regulations and local legislation and the lag of legislation, but at present, the conditions for making laws are not mature, and it is not suitable to regulate them at the legal level, so it is appropriate to unify and standardize them through administrative laws and regulations. To expand the scope of purchase through departmental regulations, and to refine the specific system through government regulations and policies related to the purchase of public services and environmental industries, so as to make them operable, At the same time, attention should be paid to the division of the legislative authority between the central and the local authorities. From the point of view of the content that needs to be perfected, it is advisable to adopt a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches to determine the boundaries of the government's purchase of environmental public services, and at the same time to perfect the provisions on the purchase procedure. To evaluate the design of supervision system, we should improve the enthusiasm of social organization participation through preferential policy and competitive mechanism. In addition, we need to perfect the financial budget management system and the regulation of PPP model.


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