本文选题:叶绿素a + 时空分布 ; 参考:《环境科学》2017年10期
[Abstract]:In order to understand the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of chlorophyll a (Chl-a) in the Aha Reservoir and its relationship with algae and environmental factors, in the dry period of 2012 to 2013, the algae and the physicochemical indexes were stratified by stratified sampling. The results showed that the seasonal variation of Chl-a was obvious, and the seasonal variation of algae biomass was more consistent, but the difference was greater between the abundance and the abundance. The concentration of alga blooms was the highest (91 g / L~ (-1)), the dry period and the abundant water period were relatively low, which were 8 g. L~ (-1) and 16 mu g. L~ (-1). The Chl-a concentration of the surface layer of water body was slightly higher than that of the middle, the bottom, the surface light and the dissolved oxygen were relatively sufficient for the growth of algae, and the Chl-a concentration in the surface layer was far higher than that in the middle, the bottom layer and the surface accumulation. The main reason for the alga blooms in the collection is that the concentration of Chl-a in the dam is higher than that in the reservoir. This may be the reason that the dam is located at the entrance of the Jin Zhong River and the nutrients are higher than that in the reservoir. The correlation analysis shows that Chl-a is very significant positive correlation with the gate of the algal alga (R=0.798, P0.01), and Chl-a is positively correlated with TP, DO and pH (R=0.762, P0.01; R=0.792, P0.01; pH). The significant positive correlation (R=0.388, P0.05) is significantly negatively correlated with N/P and NO_3~--N (R=-0.37, P0.05; R=-0.435, P0.05). The stepwise regression analysis shows that DO, TP, N/P are the main factors affecting the Chl-a distribution of the Aha Reservoir.
【作者单位】: 贵州师范大学地理与环境科学学院;贵州师范大学贵州省山地环境信息系统和生态环境保护重点实验室;贵州医科大学公共卫生学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(U1612442,41263011) 贵州省水利厅项目(KT201401) 白云区科技局项目([2014]67,70)
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