本文选题:碳排放 + 碳足迹 ; 参考:《中国人口·资源与环境》2017年06期
[Abstract]:The trend of global warming is increasing, which not only affects the sustainable development of agriculture, but also threatens the survival of human beings. The carbon emission of animal husbandry is becoming more and more concerned because of its large amount of carbon emissions in the agricultural carbon emission and the global carbon emissions. Based on the evolution of the research paradigm, this paper systematically combs the development of the research and development of the carbon footprint calculation method of the animal husbandry carbon footprint. The research shows that, under the constant research and questioning of the scholars, the accounting method of the carbon footprint of the animal husbandry carbon footprint has gone through the OECD accounting method, I The evolution and improvement of the PCC coefficient method to the life cycle method and the input-output method, the academic circles think that the regional heterogeneity, the scale of breeding and the management mode all affect the carbon footprint, and the bulk breeding produces more carbon emissions than the scale culture, and the feeding is more carbon than the outdoors grazing. The animal husbandry carbon footprint accounting can reflect the whole animal husbandry more fully. Carbon emissions in the life cycle, but due to the research hypothesis, research methods and research samples and other differences lead to different regions, the carbon emissions of different livestock products are uncertain. Using the life cycle method and input-output method, the nuclear calculation results of the European Union member countries are basically the same, but the IPCC coefficient method and the whole method are used. The carbon emissions of cattle, pigs and sheep in the accounting of Chinese animal husbandry carbon emissions are not identical in the life cycle method. In view of the difference of accounting results, this study summarizes the origin of different accounting methods, the earliest use of time, characteristics, limitations and so on, and recommends the follow-up study to discuss the animal based on life cycle evaluation. The animal husbandry carbon footprint studies the extensibility of the border, standardized animal husbandry carbon emissions or carbon footprint accounting, so as to avoid repeated accounting for carbon emissions in animal husbandry, in order to further develop animal carbon emissions in other aspects of research.
【作者单位】: 东北农业大学经济管理学院;
【基金】:黑龙江省博士后基金“黑龙江省奶牛养殖业温室气体减排综合效益评估研究”(批准号:LBH-Z14043) 黑龙江省哲学社会科学项目“粮食安全背景下两大平原粮食生产与碳排放协调发展综合评价研究”(批准号:14C038) 国家自然科学基金“婴幼儿奶粉安全信任指数对产品竞争力的影响——指标测度、关联模型构建及市场模拟”(批准号:71673042)
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