本文选题:环境规制 + 混合寡占 ; 参考:《商业研究》2017年10期
[Abstract]:In the mixed oligopoly market which includes state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, this paper analyzes the optimal choice of product production strategies and R D investment strategies adopted by state-owned enterprises and private enterprises when the government carries out environmental regulation through environmental tax. The results show that when enterprises only make production decisions and do not make R D investment decisions on pollution control, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises reduce the total production of products in the face of environmental tax policy, which leads to the disadvantage of private enterprises in the market. However, the strengthening of environmental regulation will weaken the production advantage of state-owned enterprises in the market. When enterprises make both production decisions and R D investment decisions on pollution control, the government's environmental regulation policy will restrain the production of products of private enterprises. The R D investment of pollution control shows the trend of "U" type, which rises first and then decreases, while state-owned enterprises not only increase the output of products, but also strengthen the investment of pollution control R D, so environmental regulation is more favorable to the production of state-owned enterprises. It also increases R D investment in pollution control of state-owned enterprises, and whether state-owned enterprises and private enterprises should invest in pollution control when faced with environmental regulation is not only affected by the intensity of environmental regulation, but also influenced by the freedom of the market. According to the heterogeneity of enterprises in various industries, the government should grasp the intensity of environmental regulation, carry out supporting policies, and urge enterprises to take into account the investment decision of pollution control.
【作者单位】: 南京审计大学经济与贸易学院;
【基金】:国家自然基金面上项目,项目编号:71573136 教育部人文社会科学基金项目,项目编号:13YJAZH045 江苏教育科学十二五规划项目,项目编号:D/2015/01/117 南京审计大学校级学术学位研究生科研创新计划项目,项目编号:MG2016017 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目资助
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