本文选题:嘉陵江下游 + 人工基质 ; 参考:《西南大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:4 sections of the lower Jialing River and a cross section of the middle reaches of the middle reaches of the middle reaches of the Jialing River were investigated by artificial matrix method from August 2015 to July 2016. Based on the investigation of the species composition, community structure and biological diversity index of the sections of each section, the growth of Periphytic algae suitable for the lower reaches of the Jialing River was constructed. The evaluation system of physical integrity index (P-IBI) was used to evaluate the water quality and health status of the lower reaches of the Jialing River. The main results were as follows: (1) 126 species of Zhou group were found, belonging to 6 gates and 46 genera. All the Baeillariophyta were dominant species throughout the year, and 21 genera and 92 species were detected. The main species were Synedra and Nitzschia. Melosira, Navicula, Fragilaria and Chlorophyta, 14 genera and 17 species, the main species are Mougeotia, Stigeoclonium and Ulothrix, and 10 species of cyanobacteria (Cyanophyta), the main species are Anabaena (Anabaena), and Oscillat (Oscillat). Oria), the genus Merismopedia and Aphanizomenon, Aphanizomenon, Euglenophyta, Pyrrophyta and Xanthophyta were less, and the other categories were not found. In spring and summer, the density and biomass of the Zhou group in the lower reaches of the Jialingjiang River show a trend of obviously higher than the upstream section of the reservoir area in the reservoir area and the lower reaches of the reservoir area. The 4 indexes, such as velocity, nitrite, ammonium, nitrogen and N:P, have significant difference (P0.05) in the lower section of the dam, and the nitrite, TP, phosphate and N:P are on the dam. There are significant differences (P0.05) in the cross section (P0.05). According to the distribution of TP and ammonium salt in this study, the water body of the lower reaches of the Jialingjiang River belongs mainly to class II ~ III water. (2) the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Pielous evenness index are all present, and the upstream section of the reservoir area of the grass street power station is higher than that of the reservoir The downstream section of the region and the lower reaches of the reservoir is gradually decreasing from the upstream of the dam to the lower reaches of the dam. The.Shannon-Wiener diversity index indicates that the magnetic port is in the beta - medium pollution, and the other sections are all light polluted.Pielous homogeneity index. The five sections are all in the light polluted.Margalef richness index, showing that five sections are all heavy pollution. The community similarity of the group was mainly mild similar, with slight similarity in different seasons and moderate similarity in some seasons, indicating that the river environment changed greatly and the stability was poor in different seasons. The diatom quotient value showed that five sections of the water body were all poor nutrition. The results show that five sections are all heavy pollution. The biological system method of Chou Chou sewage, pollution evaluation method shows that the water quality of five sections is in the transition from beta to alpha to medium pollution. Diatom commercial value and pollution index method are not applicable to the water quality evaluation in the lower Jialingjiang River. The evaluation of sewage biological system and pollution assessment value method for the water quality in the lower Jialing River The valuation was more reliable than the biodiversity index. (3) the total number of diatom, the percentage of diatom species, the percentage of diatom species, the percentage of green algae, the density percentage of the green algae, the density percentage of the rhomboalgic algae, and the Shannon-Wiener diversity index were screened by the distribution range test of the 30 candidate parameters, the discriminant ability analysis and the Pearson correlation analysis. 8 parameters, such as diatom index and diatom density percentage, are used to construct the P-IBI evaluation system in the lower Jialing River. Compared with several different scoring methods, the score results of the 3 point system with reference points and 4 points for all points are more reliable. The altitude, the oxidation return potential and the P-IBI value of the lower reaches of the Jialingjiang River are significant. In the five sections (P0.05), in the five sections, gold is in a "healthy" state, the salt well is in the transition state of "subhealth" to "general", and the magnetic mouth is in a "subhealth" state. (4) the biological diversity index of the week series, the sewage biological system method, the evaluation method of pollution and the evaluation of the P-IBI value on the river health of the lower Jialingjiang River The water quality in the upper reaches of the grass street power station is better than the reservoir area and the downstream section of the reservoir area. Compared with the evaluation results of the biological diversity index and the algae biological indicator method, it is more sensitive and accurate to evaluate the health status of the river by using the P-IBI value.
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