本文选题:无害化污泥 + 沙质潮土 ; 参考:《环境科学》2017年03期
【摘要】:以小麦-玉米轮作体系下的沙质潮土为研究对象,选用经无害化处理后符合国家标准且在推荐量范围内的商业化污泥产品,通过2013~2015年田间定位试验,研究无害化污泥施用对沙质潮土土壤碳库组分和碳库管理指数的影响,为无害化污泥资源化利用提供理论和技术依据.结果表明,与不施无害化污泥处理(CK)相比,土壤总有机碳(TOC)、微生物量碳(SMBC)、易氧化有机碳(LOC)和可溶性有机碳(DOC)施用污泥各处理分别显著增加到了8.40~14.74 g·kg-1、164.45~257.45 mg·kg-1、3.58~4.88 g·kg-1和81.16~101.58 mg·kg-1(P0.05),其中各活性有机碳组分SMBC、LOC和DOC分别显著提高了84.00%~188.07%,26.26%~58.03%和109.58%~185.39%(P0.05),其中45 t·hm~(-2)污泥(W3)处理提升效果最明显;施污泥各处理土壤微生物量熵(SMBC/TOC)和易氧化有机碳有效率(LOC/TOC)均有升高趋势,提高范围分别为8.02%~2.77%和13.75%~46.48%,土壤可溶性有机碳有效率(DOC/TOC)施污泥各处理分别显著降低了17.06%~40.94%(P0.05),并且随污泥施用量的增大,SMBC/TOC、LOC/TOC和DOC/TOC呈下降趋势,说明施用45 t·hm~(-2)污泥增大了土壤中稳定态碳含量,导致其比值降低;施污泥各处理土壤碳库活度(L)和碳库指数(LI)随污泥施用量增大而降低,说明施用45 t·hm~(-2)污泥其土壤稳定态碳含量高,有利于沙质潮土土壤有机碳的积累;施污泥各处理土壤碳库管理指数(CMPI)显著提高了153.45%~195.40%,其中W3处理提升效果最为明显;通过相关性分析及冗余分析得出,用CMPI来表征土壤肥力的变化比用TOC更灵敏、直接,能更好地反映出土壤养分及碳库的动态变化.综上,施用15~45 t·hm~(-2)污泥可以显著提高沙质潮土土壤活性碳库各组分含量和碳库管理指数,尤以施用45 t·hm~(-2)(W3)污泥效果最为显著.
[Abstract]:Taking sandy tidal soil under wheat-maize rotation system as the research object, commercial sludge products, which met the national standard after harmless treatment and within the recommended amount, were selected, and the field positioning test was carried out from 2013 to 2015. The effects of harmless sludge application on soil carbon pool composition and carbon pool management index in sandy aquic soil were studied in order to provide theoretical and technical basis for the utilization of harmless sludge. The results showed that, compared with non-harmful sludge treatment, Soil total organic carbon (TOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), easily oxidized organic carbon (OOC) and soluble organic carbon (SOC) were significantly increased to 8.40 ~ 14.74 g kg-1164.45~257.45 路kg ~ (-1) C ~ (-1) 3.58 ~ 4.88 g kg-1 and 81.16 ~ 101.58 mg / kg ~ (-1) P _ (0.05) kg-1, respectively. The active organic carbon fractions SMBCU LOC and DOC were significantly increased, respectively. 84.00% and 109.58% and 185.399.58%, including 45t / hm ~ (-2) sludge / W _ 3) treatment, respectively, with 58.03% and 109.58%, respectively, of which the lifting effect was the most obvious (P 0.05% and 109.58%, respectively), especially in the sludge treatment (45 t / hm ~ (-2). The soil microbial biomass entropy (MBC / TOC) and the effective rate of oxidized organic carbon (OOC) increased with the application of sludge, and the soil microbial biomass entropy (SMBC / TOC) and the effective rate of oxidized organic carbon (OOC) increased. The increase ranges were 8.02% and 13.75%, respectively. The soil soluble organic carbon efficiency and the soil soluble organic carbon efficiency decreased significantly by 17.06% and 40.94% (P0.05), respectively, and decreased with the increase of sludge dosage, indicating that the application of 45 t 路hm ~ (-2) sludge increased the stable carbon content in the soil. As a result, the ratio of soil carbon pool activity (L) and carbon pool index (Li) decreased with the increase of sludge application rate, which indicated that the application of 45 t / h ~ (-2) sludge had a high soil stable carbon content, which was beneficial to the accumulation of soil organic carbon in sandy aquic soil. The soil carbon pool management index (CMP I) of sludge treatment increased significantly by 153.45% and 195.40%, among which the effect of W3 treatment was the most obvious. Through correlation analysis and redundancy analysis, it was concluded that CMPI is more sensitive and direct than TOC to characterize the change of soil fertility. It can better reflect the dynamic change of soil nutrient and carbon pool. In conclusion, the application of 1545 t / h ~ (-1) sludge could significantly increase the content of active carbon pool and the management index of carbon pool in sandy aquic soil, especially the application of 45 t / h ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1) sludge was the most effective.
【作者单位】: 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所耕地培育技术国家工程实验室;郑州市污水净化有限公司;四川农业大学环境学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(21577172,41501322) 国家国际科技合作专项(2015DFA20790) 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目(2013CB127406) 中央级公益性科研院所科研业务费专项(IARRP-2015-21)
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