本文选题:铅锌矿渣 + 抗性植物 ; 参考:《中南林业科技大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:本研究首先对衡阳市某铅锌矿的植被进行生物多样性调查,并对植物的重金属富集能力进行了分析研究,然后,采用该矿的铅锌矿渣作为植物生长基质,以泥炭土、红壤、蛭石为矿渣改良剂,以夹竹桃,泡桐,蓖麻3种植物为植物材料,开展铅锌矿渣基质改良效应与植物耐性研究,旨在筛选出合适的矿渣改良剂,并揭示铅锌矿渣基质改良效应与植物耐性,为矿山生态治理提供理论与技术依据。研究的主要结果如下:1、铅锌矿尾矿库植被生物多样性调查及其重金属富集能力分析(1)样地内共出现植物15科41种,植物种类较为稀少,多为草本植物,其中禾本科和菊科植物为优势植物,两者占草本种数的60%。狗尾草和芒在草本群落中为优势种或亚优势种,表现出了很强的生长优势。但是该采样地仍然存在群落组成结构单一,物种多样性水平不高,生态较为脆弱的问题,其中,各样方中样方四的植物多样性最佳,丰富度指数R,均匀度指数E以及多样性指数H均为最高,也仅分别为2.299、0.724、1.813。(2)对3个采样点中不同深度土壤中重金属Pb、Zn、Cu的含量进行显著差异性分析发现,Pb、Zn的分布0-10cm剖面与另外5个剖面有显著性差异,污染上升污染到了 10-20cm,Cu的分布呈现出6个剖面没有显著性差异,土层已经全部污染。2、铅锌矿渣基质改良效应与植物耐性研究(1)蓖麻和夹竹桃在蛭石改良矿渣处理中株高增高最多,泡桐在泥炭土改良矿渣中的株高长势最好;蓖麻和泡桐在蛭石改良处理中生物量最好,夹竹桃生物量改良效果最好的是泥炭土,其次是蛭石;三种植物的根系生长状况为蛭石改良泥炭土改良红壤改良。(2)蓖麻和夹竹桃在蛭石改良中体内Pb、Zn含量降低最多;植物地上部分富集Zn的能力比富集Pb的能力强,最小值均出现在蛭石改良下的处理T9中,富集能力比较为蓖麻泡桐夹竹桃;Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd转移量系数比较为蓖麻夹竹桃泡桐;铅锌矿渣的三种改良剂效果比较为蛭石泥炭土红壤。
[Abstract]:In this study, the biodiversity of vegetation in a lead-zinc mine in Hengyang City was investigated, and the enrichment ability of heavy metals was analyzed. Then, the lead-zinc slag of the mine was used as the plant growth substrate, and the peat and red soil were used. Vermiculite was used as slag modifier, and three kinds of plants, including oleander, paulownia and castor, were used as plant materials to study the improvement effect of lead-zinc slag matrix and plant tolerance, in order to select suitable slag modifier. The improvement effect of lead-zinc slag matrix and plant tolerance are revealed, which provides theoretical and technical basis for mine ecological control. The main results of the study are as follows: biodiversity investigation and heavy metal enrichment ability of the tailings reservoir of lead-zinc mine. There are 15 families and 41 species of plants in the plots. The species of plants are rare, most of them are herbaceous plants. Gramineae and Compositae are the dominant plants, which account for 60% of herbaceous species. Grass and awn are dominant species or subdominant species in herbaceous community, showing strong growth advantage. However, the sampling site still has the problems of simple community composition, low level of species diversity and fragile ecology, among which, the plant diversity of sample four is the best. The richness index (R), evenness index (E) and diversity index (H) were the highest. The contents of heavy metal Pb ~ (2 +) Zn ~ (2 +) in soils at different depths in three sampling sites were significantly different from those in the other five sections, and the distribution of Pb ~ (2 +) Zn in 0-10cm profile was significantly different from that in the other five sections. There was no significant difference in the distribution of Cu between 10-20 cm ~ (-1) and 10 ~ (-20) cm ~ (-1). Soil layer has been completely polluted. 2. Improvement effect of lead-zinc slag matrix and plant tolerance; (1) the plant height of castor and oleander increased most in the treatment of vermiculite improved slag, and the plant height of Paulownia was the best in the improved slag of peat soil. The biomass of castor and paulownia was the best in vermiculite, peat and vermiculite were the best. The root growth status of the three plants was that vermiculite improved peat soil, improved red soil. 2) the contents of Pb ~ (2 +) in castor and nectarine decreased the most in vermiculite improvement, and the ability of Zn enrichment in the aboveground part of plant was stronger than that in Pb enrichment. The minimum values appeared in the treatment T9 treated with vermiculite, and the enrichment capacity was compared as the transfer coefficient of Paulownia ricini (Paulownia chinense), and the effect of three modifiers of lead-zinc slag was compared with that of vermiculite peat soil red soil.
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