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发布时间:2018-05-29 04:23

  本文选题:环境教育 + 必要性 ; 参考:《贵州民族大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The long-term existence of environmental problems restricts the development of society and economy. Today, how to protect and improve the living conditions of human beings is still difficult. Nowadays, people are very concerned about the environmental problems, public environmental education can achieve effective environmental governance and play an important role in environmental protection work. The environmental problem is not effectively solved by the weak public awareness of the environment, and environmental education is an important choice to solve the environmental problems from the source. As a public service, environmental protection is closely related to everyone. The ultimate goal of environmental education is to promote public consciousness and voluntarily devote itself to environmental education. The strengthening of environmental awareness in society is the purpose of environmental education. The practice of environmental protection, education and environmental education not only popularizes the knowledge of environmental protection, but also helps to establish a correct environment for the environment. The ecological environment is badly damaged because of the unbalanced development of economy in various regions of Guizhou Province. In order to solve the environmental problems, the ecological civilization is strengthened. Some scholars in Guizhou province pay attention to environmental education legislation. Environmental education is an important way to improve and protect the ecological environment in Guizhou province. The legislation of environmental education in China is still a blank. Environmental education is only involved in the laws and regulations of environmental protection. Environmental education is a booster for environmental protection and environmental education needs legal system. A lot of countries have made special legislation on Environmental Education in the world, and the international environment has contributed to the legislation of environmental education in Guizhou province. In Ningxia, China, Tianjin has created the precedent for the legislation of local environmental education, and the legislation of environmental education is the trend of the times. The comparative study of the legislation of the national law of education, the domestic research on environmental education legislation in a certain place is relatively small. From the regional perspective, the legislation of environmental education is discussed. On the one hand, it enriches the research results of environmental education theory, which is the practice of the national environmental education legislation in the local level; on the other hand, the construction of ecological civilization in Guizhou is strengthened to solve the high value. The existing problems of environmental education in the State Province promote the early introduction of the environmental education regulations in Guizhou province to make Guizhou province carry out environmental education on the track of the rule of law. This article selects the environmental education legislation in Guizhou Province as the research object, mainly using three research methods, namely, literature research method, comparative analysis method and system analysis method. This paper includes five methods. Chapter, not including the introduction and the conclusion, this article mainly consists of four parts. The first chapter introduces the research background, research significance, literature review and research methods. The main body of the article is from the beginning of the second chapters. First, it introduces the connotation of environmental education and its production and development. Secondly, it expounds the emergence and development of environmental education legislation and the understanding of the environment. The origin and connotation of education will help to better grasp the content of environmental education. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the necessity and feasibility of environmental education legislation in Guizhou province. Combined with the current situation of environmental education legislation in Guizhou Province, the necessity of environmental education legislation in Guizhou province is mainly analyzed from three aspects; the first is to solve the environmental problems in Guizhou province. The second aspect is to standardize and guarantee the environmental education, the third is the sustainable development of economic and social development in Guizhou province. From the basic formation of the environmental education legislative basis, the solid economic and social foundation of Guizhou Province, the legislative realistic conditions are available to discuss the environmental education legislation in Guizhou province. The article fourth chapter introduces the rings of the United States, Japan, and Pakistan. The legislative practice of border education and the legislative practice of environmental education in Ningxia, Tianjin and Luoyang in our country, through the comparison of the general situation of environmental education legislation, summed up the useful experience. Although Guizhou province for the less developed provinces in the west, the environmental education legislation in the context of environmental education in Guizhou province is carried out, and the environmental education legislation at the national level is promoted from the bottom to the bottom. Chapter fifth puts forward the guiding ideology and basic principles of setting up the environmental education regulations of Guizhou province. At the same time, it is suggested that the regulations of environmental education in Guizhou province should be established, including the environmental education management system, the environmental education evaluation system, the environmental education training system and the environmental education supervision system. The circumstances stipulated in the regulations on Environmental Education in the State province should be analyzed. In summary, the environmental education in Guizhou has a certain basis, and the conditions for its legislation are basically available.


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