本文选题:含油污泥 + 水污染 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:含油污泥含有重金属、多氯联苯、多环芳烃(PAHs)、病原菌以及少量放射性元素等,在2016年8月1日起施行的《国家危险废物名录》中被列为HW08废矿物油与含矿物油废物一类。随着石化行业的发展含油污泥年产量高速增长,而目前各处置技术的工程应用进程缓慢,大量放置的含油污泥成为潜在的暴露性污染源。目前针对含油污泥造成的环境问题,多数科研人员着重解决污染土壤的修复。本文从含油污泥的组分特性出发,对含油污泥污染水体中的有机物分布及生物毒性进行了研究,以期为含油污泥污染水体的综合整治提供一些依据,主要研究内容如下:(1)深入分析了隔油池底泥、罐底泥、清罐泥等不同来源的五种含油污泥样品的理化特性,主要包括多环芳烃含量和急性生物毒性,结果表明:油泥样品由于来源不同,PAHs总量从496.10 ug/g至4233.25 ug/g不等,总毒性当量浓度从8.41 ug TEQ/g至231.56 ug TEQ/g不等,其中2、3环PAHs占总PAHs含量的42%至89%,6种致癌PAHs占总量的比例为5%~55%。含油污泥不同有机浸提液的急性生物毒性有较大差别,联合凝胶色谱法分析得在实验采用的三种有机溶剂中正己烷是表征含油污泥急性生物毒性的较合适的有机浸提液。某石化公司罐底泥的正己烷浸提液的相对发光抑制率最大,为63.15%。(2)对不同含油污泥样品污染水体的COD、PAHs以及生物毒性进行分析,结果表明:随着时间的变化水中有机物含量越来越高并最终趋于稳定,不同含油污泥污染的水体的最终COD值大小不一,其中干净水体与BD含油污泥接触78 h后COD高达1200 mg/L。随着接触面积的增大污染水体中COD值升高,但当接触面积增长到一定程度时,水中COD析出过程几乎一样。与油泥中原始PAHs相比,含油污泥中的PAHs在水中析出量为0.16%~0.51%。对污染水体进行急性生物毒性测试,发现水体的相对发光抑制率与COD值成正比,其中BD油泥污染水样的相对发光抑制率最高(87.46%),大大超过了毒性参照物100mg/L的Zn2+的抑制率(33.32%)。(3)遵循"以废治废"的理念,以高含沥青质的含油污泥为原料制备油泥基活性炭,并利用油泥基活性炭吸附含油污泥污染的水体。制备出的油泥基活性炭表面粗糙,有大量结构、大小不一的孔隙,亚甲基蓝吸附值为283.5 mg/g。使用制备出的油泥基活性炭吸附含油污泥污染的水体,COD去除率最高可达85.90%,对吸附前后的污染水体做GC/MS分析发现环戊醇的平均去除率为90.37%,甲苯的平均去除率为64.99%。另外研究还发现吸附后的污染水体的生物毒性大大降低,相对发光抑制率最大可减少54.59%。(4)生物修复因其成本低廉、操作简便、不易引起二次污染等优点成为治理石油污染的热门技术,故以含油污泥作为唯一碳源,分离、纯化出13株菌株,并采用16SrRNA快速分类法鉴定这些菌株的种属。为研究这些菌种的PAHs降解能力,选用红球菌(ZSYB03)和假黄色单胞菌(ZSHD04)对水体中16种PAHs进行降解实验。30天后,假黄色单胞菌对苊烯、萘、苊、芴和芘的降解率分别为77.4%、61.1%、10.1%、17.7%和15.2%,红球菌对苊烯、芴、萘和芴的降解率分别为66.5%、16.4%、7.4%和7.1%。研究还发现这两种菌株对高环PAHs几乎没有降解作用。
[Abstract]:Oily sludge contains heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pathogenic bacteria and a small amount of radioactive elements. In the national hazardous waste list, which was implemented in August 1, 2016, it was listed as a class of HW08 waste mineral oil and mineral oil waste. With the development of petrochemical industry, the annual production of oily sludge with high speed increased and the current disposal techniques were used. In order to solve the environmental problems caused by oily sludge, most researchers focus on the remediation of contaminated soil. Based on the composition characteristics of oily sludge, the distribution of organic matter and biological toxicity of oil contaminated mud contaminated water are carried out in this paper. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the physical and chemical characteristics of the five kinds of oily sludge samples from different sources, such as the bottom mud of the oil tank, the bottom mud of the tank and the clear tank mud, are analyzed, mainly including the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the acute biological toxicity, and the results show that the oil sludge samples come from The total amount of PAHs ranged from 496.10 ug/g to 4233.25 ug/g, and the total toxic equivalent concentration ranged from 8.41 UG TEQ/g to 231.56 UG TEQ/g, and 2,3 ring PAHs accounted for 42% to 89% of the total PAHs content, and 6 kinds of carcinogenic PAHs accounted for a larger difference in the acute biological toxicity of different organic extracts from 55%. oil sludge, combined gel chromatography Hexane in the three organic solvents used in the experiment is a suitable organic leaching solution to characterize the acute biological toxicity of oily sludge. The relative luminescence inhibition rate of n-hexane leaching solution in the bottom mud of a Petrochemical Industries Co tank is the largest, which is 63.15%. (2) for the analysis of COD, PAHs and biotoxicity of different oily sludge samples polluted by different oil sludge. The results show that the content of organic matter in water is higher and more stable in the water with time. The final COD value of the water polluted by different oily sludge is different, in which the clean water body and the BD oily sludge contact 78 h, and the COD is up to 1200 mg/L. as the contact area increases, but when the contact area increases, the contact area increases. In a certain degree, the precipitation process of COD in water is almost the same. Compared with the original PAHs in the sludge, the amount of PAHs in the oily sludge is 0.16% ~ 0.51%. in the water of the polluted water. It is found that the relative luminescence inhibition rate of the water body is proportional to the COD value, and the relative luminescence inhibition rate of the BD sludge polluted water is the highest (87.46). %), greatly exceeding the inhibition rate of Zn2+ of the toxic reference material 100mg/L (33.32%). (3) following the idea of "waste treatment by waste", the oil sludge based activated charcoal was prepared from oily sludge with high asphaltene as raw material, and the oil sludge based activated carbon was used to adsorb the polluted water of oily sludge. One pore, methylene blue adsorption value is 283.5 mg/g. using the prepared oil sludge based activated carbon to adsorb oily sludge polluted water, the maximum removal rate of COD is up to 85.90%. The average removal rate of cyclic alcohol is 90.37%, the average removal rate of toluene is 64.99%., and the adsorption of toluene is also found to be adsorbed by GC/MS. The biological toxicity of the polluted water is greatly reduced, the maximum relative luminescence inhibition rate can reduce the 54.59%. (4) bioremediation because of its low cost, easy operation and not easy to cause two pollution. Therefore, the oil sludge is used as the only carbon source to separate and purify 13 strains, and use 16SrRNA to quickly divide it. In order to study the species of these strains, in order to study the PAHs degradation ability of these strains, the degradation rates of 16 kinds of PAHs in water body were tested by ZSYB03 and ZSHD04 for.30 days. The degradation rates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to alenene, naphthalene, enenthene, fluorene and pyrene were divided into 77.4%, 61.1%, 10.1%, 17.7% and 15.2%, and erythrococci to eneenene and fluorene, The degradation rates of naphthalene and fluorene were 66.5%, 16.4%, 7.4% and 7.1%., respectively. The results showed that these two strains had almost no degradation effect on high PAHs.
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