[Abstract]:Central Asia is an arid and semi-arid climate zone, which is one of the regions with the most serious shortage of water resources, and is also a region with a large contribution of dust aerosol. Using MODIS aerosol and cloud data and calibrated TRMM precipitation data, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of aerosol, cloud and precipitation in Central Asia can be analyzed from a macro point of view, and the interaction between aerosol and cloud and precipitation can be studied. The results showed that the annual average aerosol optical thickness in the Central Asian region of 1: 1 was increased in spring (0 / 1), summer (0 / 0.8) and winter (0 / 0.42) / autumn (0 / 0.38) / 2002 / 2013, and the COD value in winter was obviously higher than that in the other three seasons. The change in summer was small, the increase was -0.876 and the biggest in winter was -1.713.The regional and seasonal changes of cloud and water path were obvious, and the overall trend was decreasing, among which the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang in autumn had the most significant change. The annual variation is -6.607.Using the measured precipitation data to calibrate the monthly precipitation data of TRMM, the accuracy of the data can be improved effectively. The summer precipitation in Xinjiang has a large proportion of annual precipitation, followed by spring and autumn. The distribution of precipitation in the Aral Sea region is relatively uniform in the year, but the seasonal difference is not obvious. The precipitation in the arid area of Central Asia as a whole shows an increasing trend, among which, The increasing trend of precipitation in winter is most obvious. 2. The optical thickness of aerosol is negatively correlated with the optical thickness of cloud, and has a complex relationship with the effective radius of cloud droplets, which is greatly affected by water vapor, and when the cloud water content is low, Cloud droplet particles have a negative correlation with aerosol optical thickness, but there is a positive correlation between cloud droplets and aerosol optical thickness, while cloud water path decreases with the increase of aerosol optical thickness, and the sensitivity of AOD changes with AOD is the highest in autumn. The relationship between the lowest 3 aerosol and precipitation in winter is complex. In the whole, the aerosol in Central Asia inhibits precipitation.
【作者单位】: 新疆大学资源与环境科学学院;新疆大学绿洲生态教育部重点实验室;新疆交通职业技术学院;
【基金】:自治区重点实验室专项基金(No.2016D03001,2014KL005) 自治区科技支疆项目(No.201591101) 国家自然科学基金(No.U1303381,41261090,41161063) 教育部促进与美大地区科研合作与高层次人才培养项目 自治区专家顾问团决策研究与咨询项目(No.201601044) 新疆大学优秀博士研究生创新项目(No.XJUBSCX-2014012)~~
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