[Abstract]:The dynamic process of methylation of exogenous Hg in paddy soil by three water management methods, I. e., 70% field water holding capacity, alternate dry and wet water and flooding, was studied by culture experiments. Exogenous concentration was 5 mg kg-1 Hg2, culture time was 42 days. The results showed that under 70% field water holding capacity, the content of methyl mercury (me Hg) in soil remained stable, with an average of 11.55 渭 g kg ~ (-1), while under flooding, the content of me Hg increased, with an average of 30.70 渭 g kg ~ (-1), about 2.7 times of 70% field water holding capacity. The average content of me Hg was 20.41 渭 g kg ~ (-1), which was 1.7 times of that of 70% field water holding capacity. After the end of culture, the content of me Hg and the proportion of total Hg in soil were as follows: flooding (37.42 渭 g kg ~ (-1) 0.76%), alternating dry and wet (16.08 渭 g 路kg ~ (-1) ~ (-1), 70% field water holding capacity (11.75 渭 g 路kg ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1), which indicated that flooding condition was beneficial to the methylation of mercury in paddy soil. Elovich equation could fit the equation of mercury methylation in paddy soil under flooded condition. The kinetic process of the change of me Hg content, The results showed that the content of me Hg in soil increased rapidly at the early stage of the experiment (7 days) and then slowly increased. During the incubation period, the number of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRBs) in paddy soils showed a fluctuating periodicity, with the mean values of (533 卤31) cfu g-1 (70%), (615 卤39 cfu g-1 (flooding) and (509 卤43) cfu g-1 (dry-wet alternating), respectively. Correlation analysis showed that the correlation between the content of me Hg and the amount of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), the redox potential (Etih) and the soil water content was significant (p0.05), but there was no significant correlation between the content of ME Hg and other factors. It can be inferred that SRB may be the dominant microflora of mercury methylation in anaerobic environment formed by flooded paddy soil.
【作者单位】: 农业部农业生态与资源保护总站;农业部环境保护科研监测所;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(No.41203084,41371463) 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2015zx07103-007) 国家重点研发计划(No.2016YFD0201306)~~
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