[Abstract]:[objective] to study the community structure of ciliates in the upper reaches of Hanjiang River, and to provide basic data for the protection of water environment and aquaculture in the upper reaches of Hanjiang River. 10~20cm water samples were collected from 5 sampling sites in Mengjiadu and Jinxia in November 2013, and the ciliate species and abundance were counted. Diversity index (ID) and Pantle-Buck pollution index (is) were used to analyze the correlation between environmental physical and chemical factors and ciliates community parameters. [results] 98 species of ciliates (including 6 unknown species) were identified from 5 sampling sites, belonging to 3 classes, 12 orders, 39 families, 45 genera. Among them, prephalophora and Hypotrichidae are dominant groups, membranous order, Astrophylla are subdominant groups, and others are common groups. In terms of species distribution, the species number of ciliates in Jinxia is the most abundant (47 species), followed by Nanliudu (45 species), Mengjiadu (45 species), Liangxidu (35 species) and Liangjingba (35 species). The dominant species of ciliates in the upper reaches of the Hanjiang River are sheathworms, blunt roaming insects, trapezoides, algae-eating trapezoids, pearl caterpillars, sachenodes, vermilion, leafy caterpillars and costal fiberworms. The abundance of ciliates was 20 493 / L / L, and the diversity index and Pantle-Buck pollution index were 3.73 ~ 4.66 and 1.38 ~ 1.73, respectively. Correlation analysis shows that The species number of ciliates was positively correlated with NH _ 3-N concentration (P0.05), abundance was positively correlated with NH _ 3-N concentration (P 0.05) and BOD5 (P0.01), and pollution index was significantly correlated with NH _ 3-N concentration (P < 0.05). The concentrations of CODcr and BOD5 were positively correlated (P0.05), but negatively correlated with do (P0.01). [conclusion] the water quality of the upper reaches of Hanjiang River showed a trend of "clean-light pollution-moderate pollution-light pollution" from the source to the lower reaches. NH _ 3-N was the most important environmental physical and chemical factor, followed by NO-3-N and BOD5 CODcr and do.
【作者单位】: 陕西理工大学化学与环境科学学院;陕南秦巴山区生物资源综合开发协同创新中心;
【基金】:秦巴山区生物资源综合开发协同创新中心自然科学项目(QBXT-Z-(P)-15-8) 汉中市汉台区社会发展攻关项目(2015-K22)
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