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发布时间:2018-07-23 21:03
[Abstract]:In order to distinguish the weak difference of spectral information and the degree of copper pollution in maize leaves caused by different concentrations of Cu ~ (2) stress, the SVC hyperspectral data of maize leaves and the data of copper content in maize leaves were obtained simultaneously. Using the "Db5" wavelet in the Daubechies wavelet system, the fifth layer high frequency component (d5) of maize leaf spectrum in the range of 350~2500nm band is obtained, and the fractal dimension of d5 is calculated by box dimension method. The variation trend of spectral fractal dimension of maize leaves under different copper stress gradients was discussed by means of fractal dimension adjacent change rate (伪). The singular range, singular amplitude and other spectral singularity parameters of d5 could be calculated and analyzed quantitatively. The results showed that the spectral singularity of different Cu stress gradients in maize could be detected accurately by the ratio d5, and the fractal dimension of fractionation of hyperspectral signals of maize with different pollution degree was decreased firstly and then increased slowly with the increase of pollution degree. The value of Cu (100) fractal dimension is negative between CK (0) and Cu (100), the other two stress gradients are positive, and the absolute value of 伪 between Cu (100) and Cu (300) is the smallest, and the absolute value between Cu (300) and Cu (500) is the largest. The correlation between copper content in maize leaves and singular amplitude and fractal dimension was verified by establishing a model for estimating copper content in maize leaves. The difference of Cu content in maize leaves was significant (0.05), and the coefficient of determination was R20.9501. Therefore, the fractal dimension and singularity of high-frequency components of the spectrum can be used to diagnose and quantitatively analyze the copper pollution in maize effectively, which can be used as a reference for heavy metal pollution monitoring of crops.
【作者单位】: 中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41271436) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2009QD02)


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