[Abstract]:Red tides is a marine ecological anomaly. In recent years, with the development of industrial and agricultural development in China, the increase of eutrophication, the increasing frequency of red tide, especially the frequent toxic and harmful red tide, poses a serious threat to the marine aquaculture, human health and marine ecological safety. There are three main research contents in the field of environment. The prevention and control of red tide mainly include physical, chemical and biological methods. Among them, the use of large algae secreted by the gram biomass to inhibit the outbreak of red tide microalgae has a unique advantage, and has strong sustainability and environmental friendliness, and is increasingly being paid attention to by the researchers. This paper uses experimental ecology. In this study, the physiological and biochemical responses and apoptosis related mechanisms of proto alga in the East China Sea under linolenic acid stress were studied. This study provides a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of the red tide of the dominant alga in the East China Sea. The results are as follows: 1. linolenic acid is used in the original armour of the East China Sea The growth of algae and physiological and biochemical effects of linolenic acid showed a significant "low inhibition" phenomenon to the growth of prozina in the East China Sea. The low concentration of linolenic acid had a promoting effect on the growth of the East China Sea. With the increase of linolenic acid concentration, the growth of the primary alga in the East China Sea decreased and the linolenic acid inhibited its growth. Under the stress of hemp acid, the content of soluble protein in the algal cells showed a rising and descending trend relative to the change of growth. The photosynthetic pigment content also appeared to rise first and then descend, which affected the photosynthetic efficiency of algae; the activity of nitrate reductase was "rising and falling", and the active oxygen signal pathway of the.2. linolenic acid stress under the stress of linolenic acid under the stress of the East China Sea Under the response to linolenic acid stress, the intracellular antioxidant enzyme system (CAT, SOD, GPx, GST, GR) and the non enzyme system (GSH/GSSG, As A/DHA) in the cells of the alga of the East China Sea showed a "low growth inhibition" phenomenon, and the level of total active oxygen (reactive oxygen species, ROS) increased, and the degree of membrane lipid peroxidation increased, indicating the active oxygen signaling pathway. Under linolenic acid stress, the activity of Ca~ (2+) -ATPase in the cells of the East China Sea tozobacteria increased and then declined, indicating that the calcium ion signaling pathway played a role in the response to linolenic acid stress in the East China Sea. Under linolenic acid stress, the addition of calcium effect agent Ca Cl_2 enhanced the oxidation resistance. Enzyme GPx activity, external calcium chelating agent EGTA, plasma membrane calcium channel blocker La Cl_3 and intracellular calcium chelating agent BAPTA, all significantly inhibit GPx activity. Therefore, under linolenic acid stress, calcium ions participate in the oxidative stress reaction of the protozina of the East China Sea, and the cytoplasmic Ca~ (2+) increases from the extracellular Ca~ (2+) internal flow and intracellular calcium library ion release. Plus anti oxygen. After the chemical agent NAC, the activity of calcium pump was significantly inhibited. It was concluded that the activation of the calcium ion signaling pathway was involved in the activity of active oxygen. Therefore, there was a interaction relationship between the two pathways and the interaction of.3. linolenic acid on the mechanism of apoptosis in the cells of the East China Sea. Split phenomenon; a large number of flocs appeared on the surface of the cells. The floc increased with the increase in the concentration of linolenic acid. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the cytoplasm of the cells in the linolenic acid treatment group contracted with the cytoplasm of the cell wall, the cell wall, the cell membrane, the vacuolar membrane, and the boundary of the chloroplast membrane. The structure of the granal lamellae was loosely and even disappeared; most cells were disintegrated. The phosphonyl serine appeared on the surface of the cell membrane by Annexin V marked with a fluorescent probe FITC with green fluorescence. The results showed that after linolenic acid treatment of Dong Haiyuan, most cells entered the late stage of apoptosis. The mitochondrial membrane potential of the totalgam in the East China Sea decreased, the release of Cyt-C increased, the content of Bcl-2 decreased, and the higher activity of Caspase-9,3 confirmed that the cell apoptosis induced by KB was mediated by the mitochondrial pathway.
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