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发布时间:2018-07-27 10:55
【摘要】:工业革命以后,随着能源消费的增长,人类共同面临着资源能源日趋枯竭、环境污染加剧、气候变化等一系列灾难性问题。以湖南省为例,1960-2014年,湖南省年平均气温增暖趋势较为显著,其年平均气温存在着明显的上升趋势。在国内各省积极发展低碳经济,削减碳排放的时代背景下开展能源消费碳排放分析与森林碳汇发展研究具有重要意义。本文以湖南省作为研究对象,根据湖南省2006-2015年的主要能源消费数据和主要林类的活木蓄积量数据,从碳排放量、碳足迹、碳储量、碳汇量、碳赤字等多个方面对研究期间湖南省的碳生态环境进行研究,对其能源消费碳排放和森林碳汇固碳量进行分析,一方面可对全省碳循环进行量化分析,从碳循环角度为湖南发展和管理策略提供科学依据,另一方面对湖南省森林碳汇交易的发展提出政策建议。主要结论如下:(1)湖南省能源消费碳排放总量呈现波动上升,从2006年的22829.73万吨增长到2015年29731.37万吨,增加6901.64万吨,增幅为30.2%,年均增长2.98%。(2)湖南省能源消费碳足迹逐渐增加,从2006年的3517.68万hm2增加到2015年的4581.1万hm2,增加1063.43万hm2,增幅为30.2%,年均增长3%;人均碳足迹从2006年的0.55 hm2增长到2015年的0.68 hm2,增幅为23.6%,年均增长2.4%;单位面积碳足迹从2006年的1.66 hm2增长到2015年的2.16 hm2,增幅30.1%,年均增长3%。(3)湖南省碳强度逐渐下降,从2006年的2.97 t/万元下降到2015年的1.03 t/万元,说明能源利用效率一直在提高,这是湖南省不断发展高科技、生态型、低污染产业和对产业结构进行调整的结果。(4)湖南省森林碳储总量呈现波动上升,从2006年的497.765×106 t增加到 2015 年的 661.035×106t,增加 163.269×106t,增幅 32.8%,年均增长 3.2%。碳汇量从2006年的1345.83×104t增加到2015年的3548.59×104t,增加2202.75×104t,增幅 163.67%,年均增长 11.4%。(5)湖南省森林碳储固碳经济效益逐渐增加,从2006年的5973.18亿元增加到2015年7932.41亿元,增加1959.23亿元,增幅32.8%,年均增长3.2%。碳汇固碳经济效益从2006年的161.15亿元增加到2015年的425.83亿元,增加264.33亿元,增幅163.67%,年均增长11.4%。(6)湖南省碳赤字呈现波动上升,从2006年的21483.9万吨增加到2015年26182.78万吨,增加了 4698.89万吨,增幅21.9%,年均增长2.2%;人均碳赤字从2006年的3.39吨/人增加到2015年3.86吨/人,增加了 0.47吨/人,增幅13.9%,年均增长1.5%;单位面积碳赤字从2006年的10.14 吨/hm2增加到2015年12.36吨/hm2,增加了 2.22吨/hm2,增幅21.9%,年均增长2.2%。(7)提出了建立健全制度、明确碳汇产权、减少交易成本、鼓励企业投入、建立生态补偿等发展森林碳汇交易的措施和建议,为促进湖南省森林碳汇发展提供参考。
[Abstract]:After the Industrial Revolution, with the increase of energy consumption, mankind is faced with a series of catastrophic problems, such as the depletion of resources and energy, the worsening of environmental pollution and climate change. Taking Hunan Province as an example, from 1960 to 2014, the trend of annual mean temperature warming in Hunan Province is obvious, and the annual average temperature has obvious upward trend. Under the background of developing low-carbon economy and reducing carbon emissions, it is of great significance to carry out the analysis of carbon emissions from energy consumption and the development of forest carbon sinks. This paper takes Hunan Province as the research object, according to the main energy consumption data of Hunan Province from 2006 to 2015 and the living wood volume data of the main forest types, from the carbon emissions, carbon footprint, carbon storage, carbon sink, Carbon deficit and other aspects have studied the carbon ecological environment of Hunan Province during the study period, and analyzed the carbon emissions from energy consumption and carbon sequestration by forest carbon sinks. On the one hand, the carbon cycle in Hunan Province can be quantitatively analyzed. From the perspective of carbon cycle, it provides scientific basis for Hunan's development and management strategy, on the other hand, it puts forward policy recommendations for the development of forest carbon sink trading in Hunan Province. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the total carbon emissions of energy consumption in Hunan Province fluctuate, increasing from 228.2973 million tons in 2006 to 297.3137 million tons in 2015, an increase of 69.0164 million tons, an increase of 30.2 tons, and an average annual increase of 2.98%. (2) the carbon footprint of energy consumption in Hunan Province increases gradually. The per capita carbon footprint increased from 0.55 hm2 in 2006 to 0.68 hm2 in 2015, with an average annual increase of 2.46, and the carbon footprint per unit area increased from 1.66 in 2006 to 35.1768 million in 2006. Hm2 grew to 2.16 hm-2 in 2015, an increase of 30.1%. (3) carbon intensity in Hunan Province gradually decreased. The decline from 2.97 t / 10,000 yuan in 2006 to 1.03 t / 10,000 yuan in 2015 shows that energy use efficiency has been improving, which is the continuous development of high technology and ecology in Hunan Province. The results of low pollution industry and industrial structure adjustment. (4) the total forest carbon storage in Hunan Province increased from 497.765 脳 106t in 2006 to 661.035 脳 106t in 2015, an increase of 163.269 脳 106t, an increase of 32.8t. The amount of carbon sink increased from 1345.83 脳 10 ~ 4t in 2006 to 3548.59 脳 10 ~ 4 t in 2015, an increase of 2202.75 脳 10 ~ (4) t, an increase of 163.67 tons, and an average annual increase of 11.4%. (5) the economic benefits of carbon sequestration of forest carbon storage in Hunan Province increased gradually from 597.318 billion yuan in 2006 to 793.241 billion yuan in 2015, an increase of 32.8 yuan, with an average annual increase of 3.2%. The economic benefits of carbon sequestration in carbon sinks increased from 16.115 billion yuan in 2006 to 42.583 billion yuan in 2015, an increase of 26.433 billion yuan, an increase of 163.67 yuan, and an average annual growth of 11.4%. (6) the carbon deficit in Hunan Province fluctuated, increasing from 214.839 million tons in 2006 to 261.8278 million tons in 2015, an increase of 46.9889 million tons. The per capita carbon deficit increased from 3.39 tons per person in 2006 to 3.86 tons per person in 2015, an increase of 0.47 tons per person, The increase of 13.9%, an average annual growth of 1.5%; the carbon deficit per unit area increased from 10.14 tons / hm ~ 2 in 2006 to 12.36 tons / hm ~ 2 / hm ~ (2) in 2015, an increase of 2.22 tons / hm ~ (2), an increase of 21.9%, and an average annual increase of 2.2%. (7) A sound system was proposed to establish and improve the property rights of carbon sinks, reduce transaction costs, and encourage enterprises to invest, The measures and suggestions for the development of forest carbon sink trade such as ecological compensation provide a reference for promoting the development of forest carbon sink in Hunan Province.


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