[Abstract]:In this study, the soil and its corresponding three crops, cauliflower, radish and pakchoi, were studied in the farmland of Xichazhai Village sewage Irrigation area in the northern suburb of Xi'an, and the soil of the same area was selected as the background of the apple orchard area irrigated by groundwater. Soil quality and crop damage were evaluated by measuring soil particle composition pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, organic matter, catalase activity, plant height and leaf area. The total amount of heavy metals in farmland soil and the contents of heavy metals in different parts of three crops were determined respectively. Finally, the occurrence forms of heavy metals were extracted by Tessier definition and evaluated synthetically. The results showed that the contents of heavy metals in the soil of the study area were significantly higher than the standard, and the accumulative strength of different elements in the soil was obviously different. The order was CdZnPbCu.The content of four heavy metals in polluted soil was significantly different from that in unpolluted irrigation area (P0.01). (Raphanus sativus) and (Ottelia acuminata) of radish and cauliflower had good accumulative effect on CD and Cu, respectively. The effects of three crops on soil remediation in Xi'an sewage Irrigation area were as follows: the accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in different crop tissues of Brassica campestris (Brassica chinensis), was rhizome, and the exchangeable proportion of heavy metals in leaves and fruits was obviously different. The results showed that radish and cauliflower could easily absorb heavy metals in soil. The results of outdoor field remediation experiments showed that limestone could affect the physical and chemical properties of soil and reduce the bioavailability of heavy metal elements in soil by passivation so as to achieve an ideal remediation effect. Limestone of a certain mass fraction can promote the growth of plants, and exceed the maximum tolerance of plants, it can inhibit the growth of plants. When the limestone mass fraction was small, the plant height and leaf area were significantly promoted, and the higher concentration of limestone content was not conducive to plant growth. The effects of low concentration limestone content on catalase activity, superoxide dismutase activity, free proline content and malondialdehyde content were not significant. It can be seen that the absorption of heavy metals is much lower than that of limestone without adding and adding 1% mass fraction of heavy metals, among which Zn and CD are reduced by 32.7% and 56.01%, respectively. However, the activities of peroxidase and superoxide dismutase in Chinese cabbage were significantly decreased when the mass fraction concentration was more than 4%, while the content of malondialdehyde and free proline continued to increase. The addition of limestone with different mass fraction can reduce the dissociation of heavy metal elements in soil and crops to different extent. To sum up, according to the difference of absorption and transformation of different heavy metals by different crops, suitable crop types were selected for scientific planting in heavy metal contaminated areas. It has achieved the goal of repairing while producing, and has also improved the yield and quality of crops, which has certain good ecological and economic benefits. It also provides theoretical basis for evaluation of soil environmental quality and selection of crops in sewage irrigation area of Xi'an city.
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