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发布时间:2018-08-07 14:56
[Abstract]:Organic aerosols can affect the physical and chemical properties of atmospheric particles, such as particle size, optical properties and hygroscopicity, and then influence the atmospheric visibility and climate change through the scattering and absorption of solar light. A large number of current studies focus on the physical and chemical properties of the aerosol in the heavy haze atmosphere in North China, but ignore the physical and chemical properties of the aerosol. The physical and chemical properties of aerosol particles in the most frequent light and moderate haze occurred. In recent 20 years, light and moderate haze occurred frequently in the North China Plain. The morphology and mixing state of the largest organic aerosols in these particles were unknown. Based on this, the physical and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols in light and medium haze were understood. One step to assess their impact on climate and human health is of great scientific significance. In this study, a large-scale regional aerosol outfield observation experiment was conducted on 13 to 23 December 2014. The sampling sites were selected at the city point Ji'nan (S1), the alpine site Taishan (S2) and the regional pollution atmospheric background - Long Island (S3). The aerosol single particle samples and PM2.5 samples were collected. The inorganic water-soluble ionic components and OC, EC concentration of the haze days and cleaning days were analyzed by ion chromatography and OCEC analyzer. For single particle sample analysis, this study used transmission electron microscopy (TEM-EDX) with energy spectrum, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and two nanoscale times. The particle size, morphology and mixing state of organic aerosol particles in light and moderate haze in North China Plain were analyzed by microanalysis instruments such as ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS), and the source and aging process of organic aerosols in light and medium haze in North China Plain were further combined with the HYSPLIT model. In addition, the heat resistance of several typical organic aerosol particles in the light and moderate haze atmosphere in the North China Plain was preliminarily investigated. The transmission electron microscope analysis showed that there were six main types of particulate matter during the haze: sulphate (including potassium and ammonium sulfate), metal, and fly. Ash, mineral particles, smoke and organic matter. Among them, the particles containing the machine are the most abundant in all the haze samples (5090 single particles). The proportion is about 70%. based on the morphology of organic particles. It is divided into six types: round (type 1), near circular (type 2), irregular (type 3), translucent dome like (type 4), sputtering (Class 4). Type 5) and organic inclusions (type 6). The type 1-3 organic matter in the light and moderate haze atmosphere of the North China Plain is the largest, and most of them are mixed in the non organic aerosol. Based on the high resolution of transmission electron microscopy, this study found that about 86% of the organic matter in the regional haze in the North China Plain is mixed with non organic aerosols in winter. Smoke, minerals, metals, fly ash and sulphate particles. According to the difference of the mixed components, the mixed particles in the organic matter are divided into four types: organic matter - dust particles, organic matter - fly ash / metal mixed particles, organic matter sulfate mixed particles and organic matter - mineral mixture particles. The results show that about 83% of the 1-4 organic compounds and tobacco Dust particles, minerals, metals and sulphate particles have internal mixing. Only 17% of the type 1-4 organic compounds are external mixed, and type 5-6 organic matter is the single particle size analysis of the organic matter in the form of.S2 and S3 sampling in the form of inorganic salts, which shows that the particle size peak of the two particles is the same, about 400nm, while the S1 site is in 600nm. The results show that the particle size of the local source has a larger particle size than the long distance transmission. In this study, the particle size distribution of the type 1-3 organic matter collected at three sampling points is further obtained. The results show that the peak diameter of type 1-3 organic matter in the same haze event is the same (about 350nm). The sources of organic matter from different sampling points in the same haze event in the North China Plain are very similar. The source of organic aerosol particles in the light and moderate haze in the North China Plain is discussed. The results show that a large number of 1-3 organic compounds in the North China Plain in winter are burned by a household burning furnace or a small boiler which is not controlled. Coal or burning stalks, especially the near circular organic compounds with high roundness and low width and width ratio, are relatively large, they are formed during the cooling process of the polluted flue gas emitted by coal or straw combustion. In this study, in order to evaluate the source of organic matter, combined with laboratory experiments, the emission of coal and straw combustion in the laboratory is collected. The ratio of Si, O and C in the organic matter produced by the haze atmosphere, coal and straw combustion was compared and analyzed. The results showed that 71% of the type 1-3 organic matter was in accordance with the coal fired organic matter. The results of this study showed that the emission of coal combustion in the household combustion furnace or small boiler which was not controlled in the North China Plain was from the North China Plain. In addition, this study analyzed the aging process of organic aerosols in the North China Plain, and found that the average thickness of organic inclusions showed a weak increase from S1 to S2 to S3, or indirectly showed the heterogeneous reaction and photochemical reaction between gas soluble gas and gas in light and moderate haze atmosphere under low humidity. The degree of stress is weak. This is higher than the one found in this study (type 1-3), and the two organic matter (type 6) accounts for a relatively small result. This study has studied the heat resistance of several typical organic aerosol particles in the light and moderate haze atmosphere in the North China Plain in winter. The results were found to be 300 degrees centigrade and 500 subjects. After the heating process, the morphology of type 1 circular organic matter is relatively stable, and the thickness of type 6 organic inclusions is thinner. The mixture particles of organic matter and dust are reduced in the heating process of 300 degrees to 500 degrees. Type 4 dome contains 300 degrees of volatilization and non volatilization organic matter, type 5 sputter organic matter contains The volatilization and non volatilization of organic compounds at 500 degrees. The inorganic salts mixed in type 5 sputter organics and type 6 organic inclusions are volatilized completely during heating to 300 degrees centigrade. The physical and chemical properties of organic aerosol particles in common haze in winter in the North China Plain are studied in this paper. The ratio of C-O-Si content in organic matter and organic matter discharged from coal and straw combustion shows that the direct emission of household burning furnace and small boiler which lacks control measures has important influence on regional light and moderate haze in North China Plain in winter. This discovery provides an important basis for further haze treatment in the North China Plain. It is important to explore the formation and assessment of different haze events and their impact on climate change and human health.


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