[Abstract]:According to the latest statistics, the construction area of our country has exceeded 650 million square meters every year, and the result is that the construction waste is increasing day by day. At present, the amount of construction waste in our country accounts for a large proportion of the total amount of urban garbage every year, which has become a difficult problem to deal with properly. At present, most of the construction waste is transported to the countryside or countryside without any treatment. This treatment method not only occupies a large amount of cultivated land and construction funds, but also causes problems such as dust and dust in the process of transportation and stacking, and exacerbates environmental pollution and causes more and more unbearable pressure on the social environment. And the simple abandonment of construction waste is not in line with the sustainable development strategy of resources, it is a great waste of natural resources. In this paper, recycled aggregate block, recycled aggregate concrete pavement brick and recycled aggregate mortar are made by using construction waste as aggregate and cement and fly ash as cementitious material. A series of orthogonal tests were carried out on its strength, water absorption, frost resistance, slump and other related properties. The results show that the strength of recycled aggregate concrete is higher than 15MPa, the flexural strength is higher than 5MPa, the frost resistance is higher than 50D, the mass loss rate is less than 5, and the strength loss rate is less than 25. Compared with the new aggregate concrete, there is a certain gap in the related properties, but the national standard of composite construction is adopted. The production cost of recycled aggregate of construction waste is analyzed synthetically. The result shows that the recycled aggregate concrete of every cubic meter saves 44 yuan than the fresh mix concrete. Therefore, the research on recovery, treatment and utilization of construction waste has great practical significance, such as economic, environmental protection and so on.
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