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发布时间:2018-08-13 08:29
[Abstract]:Using the 10 surface water quality index data of 54 sampling sites in Ebinur Lake Basin in 2015, the water quality index model (WQI) and geostatistics method were used to evaluate the water quality pollution in the basin, and then the hierarchical clustering method was used to evaluate the water quality of the basin. Discriminant analysis and factor analysis were used to analyze the characteristics of water quality differentiation in high and low water periods of Ebinur Lake basin. On the basis of the study on the characteristics of temporal and spatial differentiation of water quality, the principal component regression analysis was used to analyze the pollution sources of Ebinur Lake basin. The results show that the WQI value of Ebinur Lake basin is between 38 ~ 70 in the high water season and the WQI value is between 31 ~ 71 in the dry season. The water quality pollution of the surface water in the high water period of the Ebinur Lake basin is more serious than that in the dry season, and the water quality of the Ebinur Lake is more serious than that of the low water period. Both the Boltara River and the Jinghe River are more polluted than other rivers near Lake Ebinur. Cluster analysis and discriminant analysis showed that the water sampling points of Ebinur Lake Basin during the periods of high and dry water were divided into two groups: group A and group A, including the western part of Ebinur Lake and the Kuitun River. Group B of the Gultu River and the four Tree Rivers includes the eastern part of Lake Ebinur, the Ching River and the Boltara River. Effects of Chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved oxygen (do), ammonia nitrogen (NH _ 3-N) and concentration of suspended solids on Water quality in Ebinur Lake Basin during the periods of high and dry water, there are high pollution enterprises in group B compared with those in group A, which are higher than those in group A, and the water in group B is mainly affected by chemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, ammonia nitrogen and suspended matter concentration. The water environmental control work of Ebinur Lake Basin should be mainly concentrated in the Ebinur Lake region, Boltara River and Jing River, which are included in Group B. (4) the Ebinur Lake region, The pollution of surface water bodies in Jinghe River and Boltara River mainly comes from organic pollution and nutrient pollution, followed by industrial and mining pollution, while the surface water pollution of Kuitun River, Guertu River and Sikeshuhe River mainly comes from organic pollution. The second is nutrient pollution, the effect of biological pollution is weak. The results can provide some reference for the improvement and treatment of surface water environment in Ebinur Lake Basin.
【作者单位】: 新疆大学资源与环境科学学院;新疆大学绿洲生态教育部重点实验室;新疆智慧城市与环境建模普通高校重点实验室;北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院;美国圣路易斯大学可持续发展中心;美国孟菲斯大学地球科学系;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41361045) 国家自然科学基金-新疆联合基金项目(U1503302)联合资助


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