[Abstract]:Sludge drying Reed bed is a new sludge treatment system which combines constructed wetland with sludge drying bed. When the system is running, the sludge is periodically distributed to the surface of the wetland, and the water leaches down through the packing layer and flows out through the bottom drain pipe; the solid material in the sludge is intercepted on the top of the packing layer and further dewatered by evaporation and transpiration. The stabilization effect of excess sludge with different organic matter content in sludge drying Reed bed was systematically investigated. The mineralization degree of different raw sludge and the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus in sludge drying Reed bed were summarized and compared. Degradation of micropolluted organic matter and greenhouse gas emission. After two years of sludge spreading period and one year of stable period, sludge organic matter was effectively treated, and the stabilization degree of sludge with high and low organic matter content reached 54.50% and 58.20% respectively, which met the requirements of GB 18918-2002 standard for stabilized sludge. At the same time, it is higher than GB 8712-1987 (10%). The content of nitrogen and phosphorus in sludge is still at a high level and can be used as a vegetative nutrient element, in which the content of nitrogen in sludge with high and low organic matter content decreases from 7.10% to 3.10% and from 2.52% to 0.98%, respectively. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were effectively removed from sludge with high and low organic matter contents, and PAHs were removed by 67.28% and 32.64% respectively, in which the wetland plant Reed played a positive role. Sludge drying Reed bed can release a certain amount of greenhouse gas, and the release of CO_2 is 16.5 ~ 65.2 g (m ~ 2 d) ~ (-1) ~ (-1) ~ (-1). The release of CO_2 from sludge drying Reed bed is 15.02 g (m ~ 2 d) ~ (-1) by using CO_2 to measure the global warming trend of CH_4, and the release of Ch _ 4 is 0.43 ~ 1.95 g (m ~ (2 d) ~ (-1) from sludge drying Reed bed.
【作者单位】: 大连民族大学环境与资源学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51278088) 辽宁省科学事业公益研究基金项目(2014004006) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(DC201502070203)
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