[Abstract]:In order to understand the composition of bacterial community and the mechanism of water purification in a fluidized bed biofilter, the bacterial community structure of surface and bottom filter media in different periods was studied by high-throughput sequencing. The variation of nutrient and water treatment performance of different beds of filter were analyzed. The results showed that the nitrification of the filter mainly occurred in the lower part of the bed, and the contribution rate of the surface layer to the nitrification was not significant. Under the steady condition, the removal rates of NH_4~ -N + TNN Bod _ 5 and SS reached (68.3 卤2.24), (49.54 卤3.56), (60.35 卤4.98)% and (45.21 卤2.11), respectively, and the removal load of ammonia nitrogen reached (343.28 卤75.5) g (路m ~ (-1) ~ (-1), and the nitrification performance was superior to that of the conventional biofilter. A total of 490 bacterial genera were screened and their biodiversity was significantly higher than that of conventional biofilters. The opening and stopping of the self-cleaning device had no effect on the diversity of bacteria on the surface of different carriers in the filter, but had a slight effect on the dominant flora of each sample. In the stable operation of the filter, the dominant bacteria in the surface area remained basically unchanged, including anaerobic cordonidae, xanthobacteriaceae, erythrobacteriaceae, nitrifying helicobacteriaceae, and warm cordonidae. The dominant bacteria in the bottom zone changed with time, mainly including the genus Helicobacter, the genus Muricauda Defluviimonas, and the family Erythrobacter.
【作者单位】: 中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所;
【基金】:中国水产科学研究院基本科研业务费专项(2015A02PT01) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(2015CB150703) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-50)
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