[Abstract]:Taking the listed companies in the heavy pollution industry as the sample, the analysis of variance is used to verify that the "greening" enterprises with more active environmental strategy are easier to obtain the different perception and identification of the stakeholders than the "green" enterprises with more active environmental strategy. The results of multiple regression analysis show that enterprises with more active environmental strategy are more likely to obtain high evaluation from stakeholders and significantly improve their green image. The results of intermediary effect regression analysis show that green product innovation, green process innovation and green management innovation play a part of intermediary role in the significant positive relationship between environmental strategy and green image. The environmental strategy transforms into the inherent green innovation ability, enhances the green image path. In view of this, enterprises should adopt positive environmental strategy to broaden the channels for stakeholders to perceive the environmental behavior of enterprises and promote the green image. Stakeholders should evaluate the environmental strategic activities of enterprises through various channels, promote the "green" enterprises and enhance the enthusiasm of the "green" enterprises.
【作者单位】: 华东交通大学经济管理学院;
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