[Abstract]:Shallow geothermal energy is a kind of clean renewable energy which can be extracted and utilized by ground source heat pump (GSHP) technology. It is a kind of clean renewable energy with the characteristics of wide distribution, large reserves and easy exploitation. Ground source heat pump (GSHP) has been widely used in China as a high-efficiency energy-saving HVAC technology. With the further reform of the energy supply system and the promulgation of the 13th Five-Year Plan for the Development and Utilization of Geothermal Energy for the first time, the ground-source heat pump will enter another round of rapid development stage. How to develop and utilize shallow geothermal energy scientifically and reasonably is the primary task to ensure the sustainable utilization of resources. Henan Province is in the period of rapid economic development. With the acceleration of urban construction and the improvement of residents' quality of life, the energy consumption of construction is increasing rigidly year by year. Air conditioning in summer and central heating in winter account for a large proportion of building energy consumption. Using shallow geothermal energy to realize indoor refrigeration and heating through ground source heat pump technology can effectively alleviate the pressure of building energy supply and reduce the consumption of conventional energy. At the same time reduce the emission of pollutants. This paper studies the resource conditions of urban shallow geothermal energy in Henan Province, including the characteristics of shallow geothermal energy in Henan Province and the evaluation of the suitability of urban shallow geothermal energy. Secondly, The comprehensive performance test method and application engineering evaluation method of ground-source heat pump system are summarized. The data collection and analysis are combined with actual cases, and compared with the conventional refrigeration and heating scheme. To evaluate the energy saving benefit, environmental benefit and economic benefit of the application case of ground-source heat pump system; finally, summarize and analyze the current situation of shallow geothermal energy utilization in Henan Province, expound the existing problems, and prospect the future development trend of the industry. The utilization potential of shallow geothermal energy in Henan Province during the 13th Five-Year Plan period was studied by scenario analysis. The results show that the shallow geothermal energy resources are abundant in Henan Province, and the suitable area of groundwater source heat pump system is mainly distributed in the Huang-Huai Hai Plain, the Piedmont inclined Plain, the Basin and the tributaries Valley in the central and western part of Henan Province. The groundwater pipe heat pump system is mainly distributed in the alluvial and alluvial plain in the middle and eastern part of Henan Province. The evaluation results of a ground source heat pump project in Henan Province are as follows: the refrigeration energy efficiency ratio (EER) is 5.51, the refrigeration energy efficiency ratio (EER) is 3.37, and the system energy efficiency is grade 3; The heating performance coefficient (COP), heating performance coefficient (COP) and system energy efficiency of heat pump units under winter conditions are 5.1, 3.47 and 2 respectively, and the annual conventional energy replacement capacity of 133.75 tons of standard coal can reduce the annual emission of CO2 330.36 tons of so _ 2 2.68 tons and dust of 1.34 tons. Compared with the conventional cooling and heating scheme, the annual cost can be saved by 896900 yuan, and the overall operation effect is good. Based on the result of scenario analysis, the total building energy consumption of Henan Province in 2020 is about 74.2 million tons of standard coal, and the area of shallow geothermal energy utilization is about 69 million square meters, according to the current development speed of building energy consumption intensity and shallow geothermal energy utilization rate. It is urgent for the government to strengthen the policy intensity of renewable energy construction and further promote the application of shallow geothermal energy. The research content of this paper is helpful for the development and utilization of shallow geothermal energy in Henan Province and the comprehensive evaluation of the application of ground-source heat pump system, which is convenient for policy makers. Industry managers and market practitioners understand and grasp the current situation of utilization and development of shallow geothermal energy in Henan Province, so as to develop and utilize shallow geothermal energy scientifically, reasonably and sustainably.
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