[Abstract]:The motivation of the integration of green technology and social ecosystem is to form a new social consensus by applying ecological knowledge to the technological cognition and changing the existing traditional social concepts on the basis of green concept. The path of the integration of green technology and social ecosystem is through the two-way penetration of green idea between technology system and social ecosystem, and then form the dual circulation of green idea inside and outside the technology system. The mechanism of the integration of green technology and social ecosystem is to integrate and reconstruct the communication activities, value chain, behavior norms and even psychological basis, and finally make the green concept become the logical basis of the common communication and behavior of the whole society.
【作者单位】: 常州大学马克思主义学院;
【基金】:国家哲学社会科学基金资助项目“绿色技术的融合性问题研究”(14BZX029) 全国教育科学“十二五”规划课题“产学研合作驱动区域生态创新的政策环境及其绩效研究”(BIA130092) 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学项目“美丽中国生态文明建设的区域特色与经验研究”(2013SJB710003) 江苏省教育厅社科基金项目“科学发展观指导下的广义生态创新研究”(2013SJB710002)
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