发布时间:2018-10-08 13:09
【摘要】:频繁的煤炭开采活动对开采区域以及周边的环境造成了破坏与污染,煤矸石堆叠成山、大小采煤沉陷区的出现,以及煤炭和煤矸石中的化学物质,尤其是持久性有机污染物在环境介质中残留,对人类的健康造成巨大威胁。位于潘集的杨庄采煤沉陷区和位于谢桥的迪沟采煤沉陷区是淮南市开采时间较长,沉陷时间较长的两个具有代表性的沉陷区,本论文通过采集两个沉陷区的土壤样品,带到实验室运用索氏提取的方法提取出样品中的目标物PAHs,再经过自填式层析柱进行目标物的净化,对目标物的浓缩、提纯后定容,用GC-MS仪器检测样品中PAHs的种类以及含量。最后通过对数据的分析,再结合对采样区域的实地考察、外环境特征等,对研究区域土壤中的PAHs空间分异性进行探究,得到以下结论:1.两个沉陷区的土壤样品中都检测到US EPA优先控制的16种PAHs。杨庄沉陷区土壤中的∑PAHs含量范围是109.00 ng/g dw~6540.62 ng/g dw,迪沟沉陷区土壤中的∑PAHs含量范围是26.55ng/gdw~1597.87ng/gdw。总体来说,杨庄沉陷区土壤中的∑PAHs含量高于迪沟沉陷区。2.在16种被检测的PAHs中,杨庄沉陷区土壤中PAHs含量百分比最大的三类物质分别是菲、荧蒽和芘。迪沟沉陷区土壤中PAHs含量百分比最大的三类物质分别是菲、萘和荧蒽。3.研究区域内的PAHs分为低环数PAHs和高环数PAHs进行对比分析,杨庄沉陷区土壤中除去采样点YT12,其他样点中的低环数PAHs和高环数PAHs含量基本持平,变化趋势基本相同。迪沟沉陷区土壤样品中的低环数∑PAHs含量都比该点的高环数∑PAHs含量高,或是持平。4.在研究区域中,五组同分异构体在土壤样品中的含量差距较大,尤其在不同沉陷区、相同沉陷区的不同采样点表现较为明显。5.研究区域范围内土地表面堆放的煤矸石堆中含有PAHs对研究介质中的PAHs含量的影响巨大。沉陷区内农田作物以及非农田植物的种类和数量直接对土壤中PAHs的含量造成影响。活性强、粘度大的土壤环境中的PAHs含量极少,基本不构成PAHs污染。农田中使用的有机化肥对土壤中PAHs的含量以及种类也具有影响。6.沉陷区交通要道上来往车辆排放的尾气是沉陷区土壤中PAHs的主要来源。采矿作业产生的矿井废水威胁土壤环境,使得土壤中PAHs含量增加。7.杨庄采煤沉陷区土壤低环数PAHs与土壤TOC的无相关性,高环数PAHs与土壤TOC在0.05水平上和0.1水平上都具有显著相关性。杨庄采煤沉陷区土壤中16种PAHs之间的相关性比较弱。相对于杨庄沉陷区,迪沟沉陷区土壤中的16种PAHs之间的相关性以及这16种PAHs与土壤中TOC的相关性在0.1水平上显著相关,相关性非常强。这与迪沟沉陷区具有较大的绿化面积有关系。8.迪沟沉陷区土壤PAHs的空间分异性总体要比杨庄沉陷区土壤中PAHs的空间分异性强。两个沉陷区土壤中PAHs含量与分布受外界环境的影响很大,且占据主要地位。
[Abstract]:Frequent coal mining activities have caused damage and pollution to the mining area and the surrounding environment, the stacking of coal gangue into mountains, the emergence of large and small coal mining subsidence areas, and the chemical substances in coal and coal gangue, In particular, persistent organic pollutants (pops) residues in environmental media pose a great threat to human health. The Yangzhuang coal mining subsidence area in Panji and the Digou coal mining subsidence area in Xieqiao are two representative subsidence areas in Huainan City, where the mining time is longer and the subsidence time is longer. In this paper, the soil samples of the two subsidence areas are collected. The sample was extracted by Soxhlet method and purified by self-filling chromatography column. The sample was condensed and purified. The type and content of PAHs in the sample were detected by GC-MS instrument. Finally, through the analysis of the data, combined with the field investigation of the sampling area and the characteristics of the external environment, the spatial heterogeneity of PAHs in the soil of the study area was studied, and the following conclusions were obtained: 1. 16 PAHs. with US EPA priority control were detected in soil samples from two subsidence areas. The 鈭,
[Abstract]:Frequent coal mining activities have caused damage and pollution to the mining area and the surrounding environment, the stacking of coal gangue into mountains, the emergence of large and small coal mining subsidence areas, and the chemical substances in coal and coal gangue, In particular, persistent organic pollutants (pops) residues in environmental media pose a great threat to human health. The Yangzhuang coal mining subsidence area in Panji and the Digou coal mining subsidence area in Xieqiao are two representative subsidence areas in Huainan City, where the mining time is longer and the subsidence time is longer. In this paper, the soil samples of the two subsidence areas are collected. The sample was extracted by Soxhlet method and purified by self-filling chromatography column. The sample was condensed and purified. The type and content of PAHs in the sample were detected by GC-MS instrument. Finally, through the analysis of the data, combined with the field investigation of the sampling area and the characteristics of the external environment, the spatial heterogeneity of PAHs in the soil of the study area was studied, and the following conclusions were obtained: 1. 16 PAHs. with US EPA priority control were detected in soil samples from two subsidence areas. The 鈭,