[Abstract]:Straw returning is widely used and popularized in heavy metal polluted paddy fields, and its effect on the bioavailability of heavy metals in soil and the accumulation of heavy metals in rice can not be ignored. In this study, Paddy soils with heavy metals exceeding the standard were selected as a result of the application of biogas liquid from pig residue for more than 10 years. Pot experiments were conducted to study the effects of different straw returning methods (direct or biochar returning) and the amount of straw returning (0 1% and 8%) on heavy metal uptake and accumulation in rice. The results showed that long-term application of biogas residue biogas liquid could lead to the enrichment of heavy metals in soil, among which the contents of Cu, (Cu), Zn (Zn) and CD (Cd) were higher than those of the national secondary standard of soil environmental quality, and the addition of straw or biochar increased the interception of heavy metals in rice roots or stems and leaves. The effect of straw returning to field on Cu absorption and accumulation in rice was significant. The addition of 4% and 8% straw reduced the Cu content in brown rice by 35% and 71%, respectively, and the addition of biochar had a remarkable effect on controlling the absorption and accumulation of Cd in rice, and the accumulation of Cd in rice decreased by 21 33 36% and 35 5% respectively by adding 4% and 8% biochar, respectively. For the absorption and accumulation of Zn, the two returning methods had significant control effect, but in As polluted paddy field, the direct return of straw to the field should be cautious, because straw addition could significantly increase the accumulation of As in brown rice. By comparing the effects of different amount of straw returning on controlling the accumulation of heavy metals in brown rice, considering the pollution of heavy metals and the cost of returning to the field, it was recommended that 2% straw should be directly returned to the field in the fertilized area. The research will provide theoretical and practical guidance for rice production safety and agricultural waste recycling.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院生态环境研究中心土壤环境研究室;中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院;浙江省嘉兴市农业科学研究院;
【基金】:浙江省自然科学基金(No.LY15D010001) 浙江省嘉兴市科技计划(No.2014AZ21001)~~
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