[Abstract]:At present, heavy metal pollution in soil affects the quantity and quality of agricultural land and the safety of agricultural products in villages and towns, and may threaten people's health. Therefore, the study on the safe utilization of heavy metals in the town area can provide a good reference for the rational utilization and protection of agricultural land on the township scale. Firstly, based on CLUE-S model, the spatial distribution of land use in town A is predicted. Based on the integrated evaluation criteria for the safety utilization of heavy metals over standard agricultural land, this paper evaluates the situation of heavy metals exceeding the standard in town A, and determines the safe utilization direction of agricultural land of moderate and severe degree of exceeding the standard by the method of land class conversion. Based on the results of safety utilization evaluation and model prediction, the changes of land use in the future with moderate or severe degree exceeding the standard are identified, and the rationality of the utilization direction is judged by comparing the transformation direction of land types based on the safety utilization standard. The main results of the study are as follows: (1) through the analysis of the characteristics of land use change in the study area, the local economy develops rapidly, the township enterprises develop, the construction land expands greatly, and the area of garden land and forest land decreases obviously. As a result of land development and consolidation or village renovation, other land areas were significantly reduced, and the area of paddy fields and dryland irrigated land increased significantly. (2) by analyzing the present situation of heavy metals in agricultural land in the study area, the results were evaluated. It is found that in town A, the area of heavy agricultural land exceeding the standard level accounts for 0.4% of the total area, which is mainly distributed near the central built-up area. The land types of medium and severe agricultural land were adjusted and the conversion direction was garden land or forest land. That is, under the same pH value, the tolerance limit of heavy metal concentration in paddy field, dry land and irrigated land has no obvious difference, and it will not transform to each other, but to garden land and forest land with higher standard value. The relative excess degree of heavy metals in agricultural land was reduced, and the safety utilization of agricultural land was preliminarily realized in the standard sense. (3) based on the results of model prediction and safety utilization evaluation, the variation of heavy metals in the study area from 2013 to 2021 was analyzed. It was found that most paddy fields, dry land irrigated land remained the original utilization mode, others turned to construction land and other land use. The rationality of conversion direction is analyzed from the point of view of safety utilization and actual utilization, and some suggestions for control and control are put forward according to the change type. Through the study on the regulation and control of heavy metal safety utilization in agricultural land, we can provide the visual angle and plan basis for the direction of agricultural land safety utilization in the township scale heavy metal pollution area in practice.
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