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发布时间:2018-11-06 11:22
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of productivity and science and technology, people's survival and quality of life have been greatly improved, the world has formed a closely related organic whole. However, it can not be ignored that the cost of resources and environment in global economic development is too high, which destroys the ecological balance of nature, and the resulting environmental ecological problems become increasingly prominent and threaten the survival and development of human beings. As the largest developing country in the world, China has made remarkable achievements in economic development since the reform and opening up, but the environmental problems are becoming more and more serious, which seriously restricts the sustainable development of our economy and society. In order to solve the severe environmental problems facing our country, Comrade Jiang Zemin put forward the civilized road of sustainable development from the strategic height, emphasizing the harmonious development of man and nature, the harmony of ecology and economy, and the coordination of population. These ecological thoughts are still of great practical significance in the present China. Based on this, this paper takes Jiang Zemin's ecological thought as the topic and carries out systematic research on it. The basic contents are summarized as follows: firstly, the theoretical and practical basis of Jiang Zemin's ecological thought is analyzed. Comrade Jiang Zemin, on the basis of inheriting the ecological thought of Mark Doctrine, the traditional ecological thought of our country and the rational composition of western ecological thought, summed up the experience and lessons of the international development of the environmental ecology and the basic national conditions of the environmental ecology of our country. Thus formed a systematic, scientific, people-oriented characteristics of the ecological thought. Secondly, on the basis of analyzing the formation of Jiang Zemin's ecological thought, this paper systematically combs and summarizes the basic contents of Jiang Zemin's ecological thought. That is, the idea of harmonious development of man and nature, the idea of harmonious development of ecology and economy, the idea of harmonious development of population, the thought of ecological livelihood security and ecological economy legalization, And as a long-term practice of these ideas, the theory of sublimation of sustainable development thought. These ecological thoughts are the strategic response to the environmental ecological problems in our country, but also the crystallization of thinking about how to take the path of civilization development in the depth of the times. Finally, on the premise of combing out and deeply understanding Jiang Zemin's ecological thought, the paper makes a realistic analysis of Jiang Zemin's ecological thought. Through the systematic study of Jiang Zemin's ecological thought, the paper draws the conclusion that Jiang Zemin's ecological thought is the theoretical response and grasp of our country's environmental ecological problem from the strategic point of view, and further consummates the socialist ecological thought with Chinese characteristics. It also lays a theoretical foundation for the later scientific development concept, the strategy of the main function area and the thought of ecological productivity, which is still of great practical significance in the present China.


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