[Abstract]:In this paper, the characteristics of lidar and atmospheric particle scattering are studied as follows: (1) the research background of the subject is introduced briefly, and the classification and characteristics of lidar are emphasized. The PM2.5 monitoring method and its relative advantages as well as the development and present situation of atmospheric aerosol detection are introduced. (2) the characteristics of Gao Si beam and its propagation in vacuum are introduced, and the composition of atmosphere is described. And the interaction between atmospheric aerosols and photons, the theory of Mie scattering is emphasized, and the model of light propagation using Monte Carlo method and the principle of CCD are explained in detail. (3) according to the Lidar equation of lateral scattering and the theory of Mie scattering, A model of the relationship between the concentration of PM2.5 and the intensity of lateral scattering light is established, and a method of real-time monitoring the concentration of PM2.5 near the ground based on CCD is proposed. A side scattering laser radar device with wavelength 532nm laser as light source and CCD as receiver is designed. The scattering angle between o 1545 and o 1545 is measured by this device. The data obtained from the PM2.5 concentration measuring instrument SHARP of Commevier Technology Company are fitted with the total energy models of PM2.5 concentration and three grayscale grades, and the fitting degree is above 0.97. The device has the advantages of convenient operation, convenient movement, real-time monitoring and low cost. It has higher accuracy and practicability than backscattering lidar near the ground, and is helpful to understand the pollution of PM2.5. The movement trend of PM2.5 is established and the pollution map is obtained. (4) in order to retrieve the profile of atmospheric lateral scattering coefficient, the intensity of atmospheric lateral scattering light with scattering angle in the range of o _ (33) ~ (145) is measured. In this paper, a new method for reducing experimental noise is proposed, and six original pseudo-color images of echo signal are drawn. The spatial scattering angle is transformed into plane scattering angle, and a new method to deal with the relation between CCD pixel and scattering angle is found. The calculation is greatly simplified. In order to study the problem of multiple scattering of atmospheric aerosols in horizontal direction by laser detection, a simulation model of Lidar based on Monte Carlo is established in this paper. The semi-analytical Monte Carlo method and strict simulation parameters are used. The spatial distribution of the normalized value of the total photon weight received by the photon detector is obtained. Compared with the experimental results of the Lidar, the two have similar trends and the degree of agreement is high. This can provide some theoretical guidance and prediction for atmospheric aerosol detection with lidar.
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