发布时间:2018-11-20 16:19
【摘要】:基于天津市非道路移动源污染管控需求,根据调研收集到的2015年非道路移动源活动水平数据,采用环保部《非道路移动污染源排放清单编制技术指南(试行)》推荐的核算方法,建立较为完整的天津市非道路移动源排放清单,分析污染物的时空分布.2015年,天津市非道路移动源排放CO 6.15×10~3t、HC 2.45×10~3t、NO_x2.90×10~4t、PM 1.45×10~3t、SO_21.37×10~4t.船舶污染物排放占比最高,为所有非道路移动源污染物排放总量的73.66%,主要分布于天津港区;其次是非道路移动机械,占21.66%,主要分布于市郊种植业和养殖业区县、城市建设和人群活动较为密集的城区;民航飞机和铁路机车占比较小,分别为3.55%和1.13%,主要分布于机场和铁路沿线.总体上,非道路移动源从3月开始排放量逐渐升高,而年底和年初(冬季)排放量相对较低.
[Abstract]:Based on the pollution control needs of non-road mobile sources in Tianjin, and based on the data collected from the survey on the activity level of non-road mobile sources in 2015, Adopting the accounting method recommended by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Technical Guide for compilation of Emission inventory of Non-Road moving pollution sources (trial), a complete emission inventory of non-road mobile sources in Tianjin is established, and the spatial and temporal distribution of pollutants is analyzed. In 2015, The emission of CO from non-road moving sources in Tianjin is 6.15 脳 10 ~ (10) ~ (3) t ~ (-1) HC 2.45 脳 10 ~ (3) T ~ (-1) no _ x 2.90 脳 10 ~ (10) ~ (4) t ~ (-1) PM 1.45 脳 10 ~ (3) ~ (3) t / s so _ (21.37) 脳 10 ~ (4) The proportion of marine pollutant emission is the highest, which is 73.66% of the total pollutant emission from all non-road moving sources, mainly distributed in Tianjin Port area. The second is non-road moving machinery, accounting for 21.66, mainly distributed in the suburbs of planting and aquaculture districts and counties, urban construction and crowd activities are more concentrated in the urban area; Civil aviation aircraft and railway locomotives accounted for 3.55% and 1.13% respectively, mainly distributed in airports and railway lines. Overall, emissions from non-road moving sources gradually increased from March to March, while emissions were relatively low at the end of the year and the beginning of the year (winter).
【作者单位】: 南开大学环境科学与工程学院;南开大学城市交通污染防治研究中心;法国国家交通研究院;天津市机动车排污检控中心;新港海事局;
【基金】:国家科技支撑计划项目(2014BAC23B02) 科技部科技基础性工作专项(2013FY112700-02)
[Abstract]:Based on the pollution control needs of non-road mobile sources in Tianjin, and based on the data collected from the survey on the activity level of non-road mobile sources in 2015, Adopting the accounting method recommended by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Technical Guide for compilation of Emission inventory of Non-Road moving pollution sources (trial), a complete emission inventory of non-road mobile sources in Tianjin is established, and the spatial and temporal distribution of pollutants is analyzed. In 2015, The emission of CO from non-road moving sources in Tianjin is 6.15 脳 10 ~ (10) ~ (3) t ~ (-1) HC 2.45 脳 10 ~ (3) T ~ (-1) no _ x 2.90 脳 10 ~ (10) ~ (4) t ~ (-1) PM 1.45 脳 10 ~ (3) ~ (3) t / s so _ (21.37) 脳 10 ~ (4) The proportion of marine pollutant emission is the highest, which is 73.66% of the total pollutant emission from all non-road moving sources, mainly distributed in Tianjin Port area. The second is non-road moving machinery, accounting for 21.66, mainly distributed in the suburbs of planting and aquaculture districts and counties, urban construction and crowd activities are more concentrated in the urban area; Civil aviation aircraft and railway locomotives accounted for 3.55% and 1.13% respectively, mainly distributed in airports and railway lines. Overall, emissions from non-road moving sources gradually increased from March to March, while emissions were relatively low at the end of the year and the beginning of the year (winter).
【作者单位】: 南开大学环境科学与工程学院;南开大学城市交通污染防治研究中心;法国国家交通研究院;天津市机动车排污检控中心;新港海事局;
【基金】:国家科技支撑计划项目(2014BAC23B02) 科技部科技基础性工作专项(2013FY112700-02)
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