[Abstract]:Pollution is an environmental problem on a global scale, and the mining industry is one of the most serious sources of heavy metal pollution. The economic and multi-element measurement method has been widely used to determine the content of heavy metals in soil, and its relatively high detection limit and water damage to equipment are the main factors restricting its application in water pollution detection. However, ppm-level detection limits have met the requirements for the analysis of industrial water contaminated by heavy metals. In this study, the possibility of field analysis of metal-containing solution by portable X-ray fluorescence instrument is discussed, and some factors that may influence the reading of portable X-ray fluorescence instrument, such as the thickness of water barrier film, the distance between the equipment and the sample, are quantitatively evaluated. The penetration depth of X-ray, etc. Through the analysis of standard solution of copper sulfate and lead acetate by portable X-ray fluorescence instrument, it was found that the reading of portable X-ray fluorescence instrument had a high linear relationship with the actual content of elements in the solution (R20.99). A linear regression equation is established to describe the relationship between the two. The experimental results show that the penetration depth of X-ray in solution is less than 4 mm.. Finally, the field verification of Huogeqi copper deposit is carried out. Some low grade copper ores from the deposit are extracted by heap leaching method. Based on the analysis of the samples taken, it is considered that the portable X-ray fluorescence instrument can be used to analyze the copper solution of 80N220 ppm, and the results are linear with the results of laboratory ICP-MS (R20.99). Finally, it is considered that the portable X-ray fluorescence instrument is suitable for the detection of heavy metal water pollution, such as environmental monitoring of mining industry and environmental assessment of sudden pollution events.
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