[Abstract]:The environmental impact of drywood structure is analyzed to provide reference for energy saving and emission reduction of wood structure construction enterprises. Based on the method of life cycle evaluation and the list of basic data collected by the factory, the consumption of raw materials in the physical and chemical process (from raw material mining to product life cycle) of dry-type wood structure products of 1m2 well was analyzed by Ga Bi 6.0 software. Energy consumption and environmental pollution emission were used to evaluate the environmental impact in the life cycle of dry-wood well structure products by using the CML2001 method and database provided by the software. The results showed that the weighted results of dry-wood structure products, global warming potential, human toxicity, depletion of abiotic resources, environmental acidification, photochemical ozone formation potential and eutrophication were -7.54 脳 10 ~ (-8), respectively. 7.19 脳 10 ~ (-8), 1.79 脳 10 ~ (-8), 1.51 脳 10 ~ (-8), 9.94 脳 10 ~ (-9) and 3.79 脳 10 ~ (-9). Among them, global warming potential and human toxicity are the main types of environmental impact of wall products, accounting for -174.0% and 166.0% of the total value of environmental impact, respectively. The wood structure products can be divided into three subsystems: raw material acquisition, prefabrication and transportation from raw material to factory, and the prefabrication process is the main stage of environmental impact. Apart from the positive effects of a large amount of CO2 fixed by wood during the acquisition of raw materials on the environment, in terms of environmental pollution, human toxicity accounts for 166.0% of the total environmental impact. It is the vast majority of the pollution, which is mainly processed by logs and dried by sawn timber. Floor processing and wall processing and other processes caused by dust.
【作者单位】: 生物质材料科学与技术教育部重点实验室(东北林业大学);
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