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发布时间:2019-03-25 13:44
【摘要】:川西北江河源区地处横断山区高山峡谷向青藏高原过渡地带生态地位重要但生态环境脆弱的高寒区。本文综合运用遥感、地理信息系统和野外调查方法获取数据并挖掘信息,基于主成分分析法、结构方程模型等模型算法,定量探究研究区资源环境承载力时空过程,构建资源环境承载力评价模型,掌握研究区资源环境承载力时空过程变化规律,为研究区资源环境合理承载力基础之上的可持续发展提供理论支持。本文成果如下。(1)构建了川西北江河源区资源环境承载力评价指标体系。基于结构方程模型构建过程中因子分析法对研究区指标进行初步筛选,并在结构方程模型模型修正过程中逐步完善了研究区资源环境承载力评价指标体系。研究区资源环境承载力评价指标体系包括气候因素、地质环境、自然资源、地形地貌、经济、社会6个潜变量包含的高程、NDVI、降水等17个指标因子。(2)构建了研究区资源环境承载力评价模型。基于主成分分析法获得研究区自然影响综合因子和人为影响综合因子,结合结构方程模型构建了研究区资源环境承载力评价模型。在模型实现过程中运用ARCGIS数据空间化以及叠加分析等模块,运用SPPSS22软件可靠性分析、因子分析等功能,运用LISREL 8.8软件实现了结构方程模型,等等。这些软件的运用研究形成了研究区资源环境承载力模型实现的技术体系。(3)评价与分析了资源环境承载力时空过程。通过研究区资源环境承载力进行评价以及影响因素分析对研究区资源环境承载力时空过程进行了评价与分析。自然影响因素是研究区资源环境承载力的决定因素,人为因素则是影响研究区资源环境承载力变化的重要因素。2000-2014年研究区资源环境承载力有较大的提升,自然资源对研究区资源环境承载力影响最大。研究区资源环境承载力时间变化过程中主要受NDVI的提高,降水的增加与气温的上升以及第三产业产值与占比的快速增加而提升。研究区资源环境承载力空间分布的影响则主要是由于地形地貌、地质环境、自然资源等的影响。空间变化呈现出承载力弱、较弱区域较大面积聚集分布向小面积聚集分布转变,小面积聚集分布变为零星分布,零星分布消失的趋势。
[Abstract]:The source area of the North River in western Sichuan is located in the high-cold region where the mountain canyons in Hengduan Mountains are in an important ecological position but the ecological environment is fragile in the transition zone to the Tibetan Plateau. In this paper, remote sensing, geographic information system and field survey methods are used to obtain data and mine information. Based on principal component analysis, structural equation model and other model algorithms, the spatial-temporal process of resource and environment carrying capacity in the study area is quantitatively explored. In order to provide theoretical support for sustainable development on the basis of reasonable carrying capacity of resources and environment in the study area, the evaluation model of resource and environment carrying capacity is constructed to master the temporal and spatial changes of resource and environment carrying capacity in the study area. The results of this paper are as follows. (1) the evaluation index system of resource and environmental carrying capacity in the source area of northwest Sichuan is constructed. The evaluation index system of resource and environmental carrying capacity of the study area was improved gradually in the course of structural equation model modification by means of factor analysis in the process of constructing structural equation model. The evaluation index system of environmental carrying capacity of resources in the study area includes climatic factors, geological environment, natural resources, topography and landform, economy, and social six potential variables including elevation, NDVI, Precipitation and other 17 index factors. (2) the evaluation model of resource and environmental carrying capacity in the study area was constructed. Based on the principal component analysis (PCA), the natural and man-made factors of the study area are obtained, and the evaluation model of the resource and environmental carrying capacity of the study area is constructed based on the structural equation model. In the process of model realization, the structure equation model is realized by using ARCGIS data spatialization and superposition analysis module, using SPPSS22 software reliability analysis, factor analysis and so on, and using LISREL 8.8 software to realize the structural equation model, and so on. The application of these software forms the technical system of carrying capacity model of resources and environment in the study area. (3) the spatio-temporal process of carrying capacity of resources and environment is evaluated and analyzed. The space-time process of resource and environment carrying capacity of the study area is evaluated and analyzed through the evaluation of the resource and environment carrying capacity of the study area and the analysis of the influencing factors. The natural factors are the decisive factors of the resource and environment carrying capacity of the study area, and the man-made factor is the important factor of the change of the resources and environment carrying capacity of the study area. The resources and environment carrying capacity of the study area has been greatly improved from 2000 to 2014. Natural resources have the greatest influence on the carrying capacity of resources and environment in the study area. The increase of NDVI, the increase of precipitation and temperature, and the rapid increase of output value and proportion of tertiary industry in the process of time change of resource and environment carrying capacity in the study area. The influence of the spatial distribution of resource and environment bearing capacity in the study area is mainly due to the influence of landform, geological environment, natural resources and so on. The spatial variation shows that the bearing capacity is weak, the large area aggregation distribution in weaker region changes to the small area aggregation distribution, the small area aggregation distribution changes to sporadic distribution, and the sporadic distribution disappears.


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