发布时间:2019-05-22 02:47
【摘要】:抗生素菌渣是提取抗生素的时候残留下的工业废渣。我国作为抗生素药物生产大国,在2015年时该类药品的产量已达到129.6万吨,同时产生的菌渣为989.5万吨,由于菌渣中残留抗生素,易危害动植物的生存,存在安全隐患,我国在2008年将其列为危险废弃物,要求必须进行无害化处理才可排放并禁止饲料化处理。菌渣的处理成为严重困扰制药行业的难题。研究人员进行了许多新的尝试,但有操作性低,费用高效果差等问题。本文利用流化床气化技术进行抗生素菌渣处理可行性的研究,将抗生素菌渣热化学转化为燃气,生物炭等清洁能源,完成了危废的处理,同时产生的燃气、生物质炭等清洁能源可以用做生活或工业生产。首先,利用微型流化床试验系统,在氩气气氛中进行了等温热解实验,研究了抗生素菌渣产物的变化曲线及反应机理,通过实验发现,气体产量在600℃~750℃之间增加显著;热解过程中产生的四种主要物质(CO、H_2、CH_4和CO_2)的活化能分别为 10.37 kJ/mol,20.78 kJ/mol,38.81 kJ/mol和 23.39 kJ/mol。其次,为提高气体产量与质量,利用微型流化床分析系统在氩气气氛中进行了菌渣和褐煤的共热解实验。结果表明:菌渣和褐煤共热解气体产率的实验值与计算值存在偏差,二者的共热解具有协同与抑制效应。其中,当菌渣占比为20%时,与计算值的正偏差最大,促进作用最为明显;以整体挥发分(H_2、CH_4、C02和CO)为基准,添加抗生素菌渣使活化能相对于单独热解有所下降,对共热解反应有一定协同作用。然后,根据抗生素菌渣的热解动力学参数以及化学反应方程,利用Fluent软件建立了抗生素菌渣流化床热解气化模型,模拟分析了菌渣在流化床气化过程中的温度及产物浓度等,并与实验结果进行比较,发现两者的变化趋势相似,热解产物产量的误差在10%以内,吻合效果较好,气化模型可以为抗生素菌渣的处理以及流化床设备的设计改进提供指导。最后,用抗生素菌渣和小麦秸秆作为材料,在中试级循环流化床中进行气化研究,分析了不同的参数(含水率,空气当量比等)对于气化所得的气体产物的影响规律。结果表明:含水率越高,产物中一氧化碳的产量越少,CO_2和氢气的产量越高,甲烷的产量几乎不变,气体产物的热值降低。随着过量空气系数α的增加,青、红霉素菌渣的气态生成物的成分(CO、CO_2、CH_4和H_2)的变动趋向相似,其中CO、CH_4和H_2三种可燃气体产物产量先增后减,而CO_2的产量则呈现先减后增趋势。气体产物的热值与可燃气体的变动趋势类似,而焦油则逐渐减少。根据实验结果分析,抗生素菌渣的气化特性满足要求,气体产物达到了工业应用标准,所以以流化床气化技术无害化处理菌渣具有可行性。
[Abstract]:Antibiotic residue is an industrial waste residue left behind when antibiotics are extracted. As a large country of antibiotic drug production, the output of this kind of drugs has reached 1.296 million tons in 2015, and the bacterial slag produced at the same time is 9.895 million tons. Because of the residual antibiotics in the bacterial residue, it is easy to endanger the survival of animals and plants, and there is a hidden danger of safety. In 2008, China listed it as hazardous waste, which requires innocuous treatment in order to discharge and prohibit fodder treatment. The treatment of bacterial residue has become a serious problem in the pharmaceutical industry. The researchers have made many new attempts, but there are some problems, such as low maneuverability, high cost and poor effect. In this paper, the feasibility of antibiotic residue treatment was studied by fluidized bed gasification technology. The thermochemical conversion of antibiotic residue into clean energy such as gas, biological carbon and so on completed the treatment of dangerous waste and produced gas at the same time. Clean energy such as biomass carbon can be used for life or industrial production. Firstly, the Isothermal pyrolysis experiment was carried out in argon atmosphere by using a micro-fluidized bed test system, and the change curve and reaction mechanism of antibiotic residue products were studied. it was found that the gas output increased significantly between 600 鈩,
[Abstract]:Antibiotic residue is an industrial waste residue left behind when antibiotics are extracted. As a large country of antibiotic drug production, the output of this kind of drugs has reached 1.296 million tons in 2015, and the bacterial slag produced at the same time is 9.895 million tons. Because of the residual antibiotics in the bacterial residue, it is easy to endanger the survival of animals and plants, and there is a hidden danger of safety. In 2008, China listed it as hazardous waste, which requires innocuous treatment in order to discharge and prohibit fodder treatment. The treatment of bacterial residue has become a serious problem in the pharmaceutical industry. The researchers have made many new attempts, but there are some problems, such as low maneuverability, high cost and poor effect. In this paper, the feasibility of antibiotic residue treatment was studied by fluidized bed gasification technology. The thermochemical conversion of antibiotic residue into clean energy such as gas, biological carbon and so on completed the treatment of dangerous waste and produced gas at the same time. Clean energy such as biomass carbon can be used for life or industrial production. Firstly, the Isothermal pyrolysis experiment was carried out in argon atmosphere by using a micro-fluidized bed test system, and the change curve and reaction mechanism of antibiotic residue products were studied. it was found that the gas output increased significantly between 600 鈩,