基于紫外-可见光谱法水质 COD检测方法与建模研究
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of economy and the acceleration of urbanization in China, the problem of water pollution is becoming more and more serious, which has become one of the most serious problems faced by water resources in China and even in the world. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), as an important index to evaluate the pollution degree of water body, can characterize the concentration of organic matter in water body. UV-vis spectroscopy is a green detection technology because of its no secondary pollution, short period and on-line detection. In this paper, the following research work has been carried out on the COD detection method and modeling of water quality by UV-vis spectroscopy: 1. In order to detect the COD value of water quality, a UV-vis spectral water quality COD detection system was developed in this paper, and the standard solution of potassium hydrogen phthalate was prepared and detected in laboratory. Collection of UV-vis absorbance spectral data. 2. In order to solve the problem that the original spectrum is affected by a lot of noise, this paper needs a method to Denoise the original spectrum with as little real information as possible in the process of denoising, and wavelet analysis can meet the requirements. In this paper, the wavelet function db8, is used to decompose the original spectrum by 5 layers of wavelet, and then the soft threshold method is used to quantify the original spectrum. The reconstructed COD spectral curve of water quality is very smooth and the denoising effect is remarkable. After wavelet denoising, there are still spectral information redundancy and multiple collinearity problems. Principal component analysis (PCA) is used to reduce the dimension of spectral data, effectively remove redundant information, retain useful feature information, and improve the efficiency of machine learning. Study on the prediction model of COD detection and prediction of water quality because of the complex nonlinear relationship between UV-vis spectral data and COD value of water quality, the traditional mechanism modeling method can not be used. The COD prediction model of water quality based on BP neural network can effectively predict the COD value of water quality. In order to improve the prediction accuracy, the improved whale optimization algorithm is used to optimize the parameters of BP neural network, and a water quality COD prediction model based on whale optimization algorithm BP neural network is established. The prediction results show that the prediction accuracy of the model is higher. It can be applied to the prediction of COD detection of water quality. 4. Aiming at the defects of slow convergence speed and low convergence accuracy of the basic whale optimization algorithm, an improved whale optimization algorithm (MWOA), MWOA is proposed, which mainly studies the population initialization mechanism and nonlinear adaptive weight strategy. The simulation results show that the improved algorithm can maintain the initial population diversity in the optimization process, and has better convergence speed and accuracy.
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