[Abstract]:With the implementation of the western development strategy, the industry and agriculture in Xinjiang have been developed rapidly. However, the development of industry and the modernization of agriculture will inevitably lead to the pollution of the surrounding environment. Agriculture is the first industry in the Xinjiang economy, and the safety of the soil can be guaranteed in order to guarantee the safety of the agricultural products. Heavy metals are the most difficult to degrade and are the most common soil contaminants. This study selected the Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang and the Urumqi City as the research area. The contents of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Hg in the surface soil of the study area and the physical and chemical properties of the soil were measured, and the risk degree of heavy metal pollution in the study area was evaluated. In addition, the method of heavy metal pollution is analyzed, the local crop is sampled and the distribution of heavy metals and the transfer rule are analyzed. The main results are as follows: the surface soil of the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains is alkaline, the fertility is low, the water content is low, and the characteristics of the saline-alkali land in the arid area are presented. The average content of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Hg is 1.27, 14.55, 44.63, 33.79, 22.96, 7.95 and 63.37 mg 路 kg-1 and 0.10 mg 路 kg-1.Cd, Cu and Hg have exceeded the background value of Xinjiang, and Cd has even exceeded the national secondary standard. Co, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn are less affected by human activity, and Cd, Cu and Hg are affected by human activity. The place where the content of heavy metal Cd is high is mainly in the small industrial areas such as the agricultural area of the Daqingcheng District of Urumqi and the coal mine of Fukang, where the content of Hg is mainly concentrated around the coal mine and the industrial area, and the Pb is mainly concentrated in areas with high population density and large traffic and the periphery of the coal mine. The spatial distribution of Co, Cr, Ni and Zn is similar and the content of Co, Cr, Ni and Zn is concentrated in the field, scenic area and industrial area of the research area. The location of high Cu content is in a relatively developed position in several agricultural production. The coefficient of variation indicates that the heavy metals in the study area may be affected by human activity. The risk degree of heavy metal pollution was evaluated in the soil background of Xinjiang as the standard. The enrichment factor shows that Pb and Ni are in an unenriched state, and the Co, Cr, Cu, and Zn are in a slightly enriched state, and both Cd and Hg are in a state of significant enrichment. The accumulation index shows that Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn are in a pollution-free state, Cd is 3-grade moderate-intensity pollution, Hg is 2-grade moderate pollution, Cu has 66.1% in pollution-free state, and 33.9% is in mild-moderate pollution state. The potential ecological risk of Cd and Hg is very high, which is the main contribution factor of the comprehensive potential ecological risk. The comprehensive potential ecological risk of the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains is very high. There are 19.8% of the samples with medium-level latent ecological risk, 30.5% of the samples have high potential ecological wind, and 49.3% of the spots have a high potential ecological risk. The soil in the study area can be divided into three types, the first type of sample is mainly concentrated in the farmland area and is polluted by Cu, the second type of sample is mainly concentrated in the tourist area and the industrial area, and the pollution of Hg and Cd is serious; the third type of sample is concentrated in traffic, The pollution of Hg and Cd in the industry is also very serious. Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn sources are the same as the first main component (PC1), and the source of Cd and Hg is the same as the second main component (PC2). Pb is the third main component (PC3), and the information covered by the 8 heavy metal elements can be basically explained by the three principal components. The different principal components, PCi (i = 1,2,3), are calculated by the entropy method, and the spatial distribution of different principal components is analyzed to obtain the agricultural compound and the organic fertilizer from the sources of Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn; the Hg and Cd are mainly from the industrial and domestic wastes, and may have the tendency to spread through the river sewage irrigation; The main source of Pb is the emission of industrial production and automobile exhaust. the cotton and the corn do not have the super-enrichment capacity for heavy metal, the transport capacity of the cotton to the heavy metal is substantially higher than that of the corn, the transport capacity and the enrichment ability of the cotton and the corn leaves on the trace elements Cu and Zn are stronger than other parts, and the root of the cotton and the corn is Cd and Co, The concentration of Pb is stronger than that of other tissues; the roots and stems of cotton have a synergistic effect on the absorption of Cd and Pb, and the absorption of Cd, Zn and Pb by the rhizomes of the corn has a synergistic effect; and the heavy metal composition among different crops and between different tissues is very different.
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