发布时间:2019-06-27 19:17
【摘要】:论文主要以贝壳粉和麦麸为主材料,经过不同的处理,制备改性贝壳粉-麦麸絮凝剂(Whb-sp),并将自制絮凝剂运用于模拟废水和实际废水处理中,考察絮凝剂对浊度和磷的去除效果;再对样品进行表征,分析混凝和除磷机理;最后以分形维数为指标,考察絮凝体结构,建立“基于有限扩散模型Whb-sp絮凝剂的混凝模拟软件”。实验中通过对比絮体的相似程度与分形误差,并以实验数据验证该程序运用在实际混凝过程中的可行性,其主要研究如下:(1)通过研究数据分析,确定麦麸碱化条件:碱化温度为50℃、碱化时间为1h、投加碱量为0.5ml和麦麸投加量为0.3g;通过响应面实验确定麦麸最佳醚化条件:醚化温度70℃,醚化时间1h,醚化剂量3ml和引发剂量1.5ml;通过单因素实验确定最佳的Whb-sp的合成实验条件。(2)Whb-sp处理模拟废水,在原水浊度为101~122NTU,原水磷含量为9.8~11.6mg/l水体中,各因素在Whb-sp混凝剂投加量为7ml、混凝沉降时间为25min、原水PH值为6~8和慢搅转速为40r/min下浊度和磷去除效果最佳,去除率最大值分别为94.39%和66.03%。Whb-sp处理实际生活废水,在原水浊度为95.3~148NTU、原水磷含量为4.07~6.35mg/l和原水PH值为7.39~7.92条件下,各因素在Whb-sp混凝剂投加量为7ml、混凝沉降时间为20min和慢搅转速为40r/min时浊度和磷去除效果最佳,去除率最大值分别为96.57%和85.84%。絮凝体分形维数值与目标污染物去除率具有高度的相似性,且处理效果好于硫酸铝。(3)采用先进仪器和现代分析技术,对样品进行表征,研究表明:所制备的絮凝剂是由许多不同晶体物质和有机高聚物形成的复杂混合型物质。机理分析表明:混凝过程是一个吸附-电中和作用、吸附架桥、压缩双电层作用同时并存的过程,正磷通过化学键间作用力、分子间作用力以及其他作用力与磷酸盐发生桥联作用、吸附作用和电中和与沉淀作用,使之去除。(4)通过对比真实絮体与模拟絮体的图像和分形维数,采用多项式建模,分别确定生活污水原水浊度与初始粒子数、原水PH值与运动步长、原水磷含量与释放半径之间的数学模型。再以响应面实验(BBD)确定Whb-sp投加量、慢搅转速和沉降时间与分形维数的关系,运用MATLAB GUI编写程序,并探讨该程序在废水处理中的可行性。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the modified shell powder-wheat gluten flocculant (Whb-sp) was prepared by different treatments, and the self-made flocculant was applied to the treatment of simulated wastewater and actual wastewater to investigate the removal efficiency of turbidity and phosphorus by flocculant, and then the sample was characterized, and the mechanism of coagulation and phosphorus removal was analyzed. Finally, taking fractal dimension as index, the structure of flocculation is investigated, and the coagulation simulation software based on finite diffusion model Whb-sp flocculant is established. In the experiment, the similarity degree and fractal error of flocs were compared, and the feasibility of the program in the actual coagulation process was verified by the experimental data. The main studies are as follows: (1) through the analysis of the research data, the alkalization conditions of wheat gluten are determined as follows: the alkalization temperature is 50 鈩,
[Abstract]:In this paper, the modified shell powder-wheat gluten flocculant (Whb-sp) was prepared by different treatments, and the self-made flocculant was applied to the treatment of simulated wastewater and actual wastewater to investigate the removal efficiency of turbidity and phosphorus by flocculant, and then the sample was characterized, and the mechanism of coagulation and phosphorus removal was analyzed. Finally, taking fractal dimension as index, the structure of flocculation is investigated, and the coagulation simulation software based on finite diffusion model Whb-sp flocculant is established. In the experiment, the similarity degree and fractal error of flocs were compared, and the feasibility of the program in the actual coagulation process was verified by the experimental data. The main studies are as follows: (1) through the analysis of the research data, the alkalization conditions of wheat gluten are determined as follows: the alkalization temperature is 50 鈩,