[Abstract]:With the rapid development of nonferrous smelting industry, the resources and environmental protection problems faced by the industry are becoming more and more prominent. Resources and environmental protection problems have become the lifeline of nonferrous smelting enterprises in China. Nonferrous smelting solid waste is one of the important environmental problems in nonferrous smelting industry. It is not only a pollutant but also an important secondary resource. Its effective treatment is the key to solve the resource environmental protection problem in nonferrous smelting industry. Based on the characteristics of nonferrous metal smelting process in China, on the basis of field investigation and literature investigation, the sources and characteristics of solid waste in nonferrous smelting in China are analyzed, the present situation and progress of typical solid waste treatment technology in nonferrous metal smelting are summarized, and the policy suggestions for solid waste management in nonferrous smelting in China are put forward.
【作者单位】: 中南大学冶金与环境学院;中南大学国家重金属污染防治工程技术研究中心;
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