[Abstract]:In the face of the survival crisis caused by climate change and the complex situation of environmental governance, the dynamic monitoring and early warning treatment of the temporal and spatial evolution of carbon emission intensity in China is the key to achieve the goal of carbon emission intensity decline. In this paper, the spatial panel data of carbon emission intensity in 30 provinces and regions in mainland China from 1997 to 2015 are measured, and the spatial correlation, agglomeration characteristics and spatial-temporal transition of carbon emission intensity in China are analyzed by using exploratory spatial-temporal data analysis (ESTDA) method. With the help of quantile regression and spatial-temporal transition nesting model, the spatial-temporal transition mechanism of carbon emission intensity in various provinces and regions of China under the dual action of time and space is revealed. The results show that: (1) the carbon emission intensity of 30 provinces in China is not completely random in time and space, and there is a significant spatial correlation between the carbon emission intensity of each province and region, and the changing trend of carbon emission intensity will be affected by the carbon emission intensity of the adjacent provinces. The spatial distribution of carbon emission intensity between provinces is characterized by the coexistence of "agglomeration" and "differentiation". (2) the spatial agglomeration trend of carbon emission intensity in China is enhanced, which has high coagulation and low fluidity. the stability of carbon emission intensity in 10 provinces with high carbon emission intensity will become a key province restricting the overall transition of carbon emission intensity in China. The transition of related provinces and regions will become the key province to drive the overall transition of carbon emission intensity in China. (3) there is a driving mode and restriction mode of space-time transition in the process of spatial agglomeration of carbon emission intensity in each province and region. The quantile regression model can well explain the driving mechanism of each driving factor on the spatial-temporal transition of carbon emission intensity. There is a strong nesting between the quantile of the driving factors in different response stages and the temporal and spatial transition types of carbon emission intensity. (4) according to the analysis results of the temporal and spatial evolution of carbon emission intensity and its transition mechanism in each province, the differential carbon emission control measures, such as strengthening the effective monitoring and control of carbon emission intensity in key provinces and regions, and increasing the restraint of carbon emission, are further put forward.
【作者单位】: 江苏大学财经学院;江苏大学京江学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学规划项目“贸易限制措施对我国战略性新兴产业的冲击效应及其演化机理与防范研究”(批准号:15YJA790006) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于全球价值链知识溢出的中国区域高碳产业低碳化转型路径研究”(批准号:71774071) 江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目“基于复杂适应系统的我国区域产业结构调整的关键因素与引导策略研究”(批准号:KYZZ_0293)
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